Part 38

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After seeing Minho i was sure that love doesn't exist. Love is only in fairy tales. I was wondered how he could not think about my feelings? How. Okay i'm crying while i'm writing this. I'm feeling. My life is going end soon. So now we know that there's also heartless people in our lives. We give them our heart but they don't care. Once Chan told me this kind of person doesn't deserve for us. No never. As i want i want you give advise. Never waste yout time with this kind of people. Never give your heart to them. I know it's hard when you are in love but it's just better for you. Don't do the mistake which i did twice by knowing. If you came accross this situation, avoid your crush. Find something entertraining. Focus on your studies and goals. It would help. I wish Minho could read it all may be then he will get his heart back?

Seungmin cried after finishing the diary. ''Ah Hyunjin. I can feel what pain you survived because of him. That bitch doesn't deserve for you at all. I told you'' cried Seungmin.


Next day Seungmin went to school. At class he was looking for Hyunjin's diary which was on the desk.

Chan also had read it within two days.

''I have an idea.'' Said Seungmin.

''Whats that'' asked Chan.

''I'm not sure to do this but i really miss Hyunjin'' said Seungmin sadly.

''I understand. Haven't he appeared after all?'' Asked Chan.

''No'' said Seungmin.

Silence between two couples. Seungmin stand up and left Chan alone on their seat.

Seungmin went towards to Minho which was talking with Jisung. Minho looked to Seungmin.

''What do you want?'' asked Jisung by getting involved.

Seungmin gave angry look to Jisung. ''Just friends duh. I see.'' Said Seungmin.

''Here's something for you bitch'' said Seungmin and gave it Minho.
Seungmin left without saying anything.

''That was savage'' said Chan.

''He deserves for more. You know how much bad he is. Even he changed our Jisung'' said Seungmin.

Minho didn't say anything he just put it in his bag.

After coming home Minho chatted with Jisung.

Are you at home

No i'm on the roof😂


Well that was a good joke

Huh no one can joke like me😂


Yeah dude😎


Minho smiled but suddenly remembered about the diary. He opened his bag and took his diary. He started to read.

There's just little feelings about me:)

A year left. I still can't forget Felix. He was sunshine of my life. I tried everything, i tried to entertain myself but i couldn't forget my feelings about him. Why i keep love him even knowing that he cheated on me?

''Well not my buisness'' said Minho and closed the diary and threw it away. He again started to chat with Jisung.


2 years left.

Minho and Jisung are living well. They study at the same university. They are having happy life.

''Hi dear'' said Jisung and hugged Minho.

''Hi'' hugged back Minho.

''Are you going home?'' Asked Jisung.

''Yes. This if for you'' said Mimho and gave bucket of violets.

''Wow thank you!'' Said Jisung and smiled.


Minho was at his home he was about to give confession to Jisung. He alredy bought a ring. He was planning tomorrows day on his mind.

Minho smiled after imagining how they are going to live after all.

Minho fall asleep.

It was clear that Minho was dreaming. Because Minho was in the garden with lot of pastel pink flowers. Minho was enjoying the nature but suddenly Hyunjin appeared.

''Hyunjin?'' Surprised Minho.

''You look so handsome Minho'' said Hyunjin and sit with Minho.

Minho was staring to Hyunjin.

''You even didn't read my diary?'' Laughed with a pain Hyunjin. ''Here was my feeling for you Minho. I never though that you are that much heartless. Now i know well. I'm nothing to you'' said Hyunjin.

''No you are not'' said Minho.

''Huh you haven't changed'' said Hyunjin. ''I don't know why i love. Why i still love you Minho'' silence.

''You didn't even miss me?!'' Asked Hyunjin by knowing answer. Minho didn't say anything he just looked to the ground.

Suddenly Minho started fall from the ground.

''Hyunjin help!'' Said Minho.

Hyunjin didn't say anything he just looked to Minho and disappeared.

Minho fell and woke up. Minho's head was messed up. He looked for time and it was 6:34 AM. Minho tried to find that Hyunjin's diary and found it between his old books. Minho started to read it.


Minho finished it until night. Even he forgot that he had confess to Jisung. Minho started to feel guilty. Suddenly Jisung called Minho.

''Good day'' said happy Jisung.

''Hi'' said Minho.

''Aren't you going to confess me? You said that you are going to today'' said Jisung.

Minho didn't say anything he was thinking about Hyunjin. Minho started to cry.

''Hey Minho... why are you ignoring me?'' Said Jisung. Minho ended call.

''Hyunjin...'' cried Minho. ''I'm sorry... i really regret..'' said Minho ''and i know it's too late...''


Again years left Minho decided to forget all the past however he can't fix his past so he had to build his future without any mistakes. Minho was living with Jisung. Sometimes he remembers Hyunjin.

''Good night Hannie'' said Minho.

''Good night'' replied Jisung.

Jisung was asleep but Minho is not. He was overthinking Hyunjin.

''Why you left me with overthinking? Now i'm going to live in this pain and feeling myself guilty forever...'' said Minho.

''I love you Hyunjin'' said Minho and fall asleep.

One Sided Love; HyunhoWhere stories live. Discover now