Part 1

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Felix, i can't take it anymore

But Hyunjin...

Since you again back to Australia you ignoring my messages. You promised that you'll be in touch. But you didn't. I miss you a lot. I see you are not.

Hyunjin... i'm busy with my dance classes...

The best lie! I wont bother you anymore! I know it hurts. A lot. I promise i never bother you anymore!!

         𝐽𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑒 ʙʟᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ 𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑥𝑖𝑒

''I've been patient for a long time Felix. You don't care me since you are gone. I've been patient to much times. I face your ignorance. Everything has an end so i have to end with you too'' said Hyunjin and threw his phone away with tears.

*a year later*

''Bro are you ready for exams?'' asked Jisung.

''No. But i'm nervious'' replied Hyunjin.

''Me also'' said Jisung

''But maths is my weakness... hey why you even worry? You study well though?'' Asked Hyunjin.

''But what if this time i fail?'' Said Jisung.

''You never fail don't worry'' said Hyunjin.

''Also you too'' laughed Jisung.

''Yes but i worry'' replied ''but promise to help me that time''

''Ok bro'' said Jisung.


''Exam results are out'' said Jisung dissapointly.

''Oh really?!'' Said Hyunjin.

''We both got same score which is higher than the whole class'' said Jisung.

''Oh so we passed?'' Asked Hyunjin without caring the score.

''No way'' said Jisung. ''But there's a new student who wants to move our class from our parralized classes. He got the highest score also above us''.

''Who?'' Asked Hyunjin without any interest and beimg happy because he passed.

''Lee Minho'' said. Jisung was the one who hated students if they are smarter than him. This information was not interesting as was for Jisung.


After few months. New study year have started. Jisung and Hyunjin was walking at school by looking other students. It was starting of March. Spring day...

''Again new study year'' said Hyunjin.

''Yes. I'm not happy to see you all'' said Jisung.

''Huh that was rude'' said Hyunjin.

''I know'' smiled Han ''let's go to the class''

''Ok'' said Hyunjin.

Guys entered the class. Jisung sat with Bangchan. And Hyunjin with Seungmin. Class was very noisy. Jisung put his things and started to prepare for the lessons while Hyunjin put on his headphones and started to listen ''Fake Love'' by BTS. This song was not only his but also Felix's favorite one which by listening this song Hyunjin remembered about his ex. Hyunjin calmly looked the window(which was his habbit) cloudy weather. Sakura trees outside was about to bloom. With music atmosphere was looking good. Hyunjin has to put off his headphones because teacher came. But mostwondering thing was that teacher wasn't alone. She came with new student? He looked very serious. His eyes was on teacher. He acted like was ignoring his new students.

''Good morning guys. This is our new student Lee Minho'' said teacher.

Minho didn't say anything and went to the first desk. He didn't talk to anyone. During the school day he was calm and only focused to the lessons.

It was english lesson. Minho really was active in this lesson. Hyunjin got mad because no one was better than him before(may be Jisung). Teacher imadinetly liked Minho for his intelligence.

''You don't need to act cool Minho'' whispered with anger Hyunjin.

''Ok now we jave to work on the groups. So Hyunjin go to the Minhos' group'' said teacher.

''But teacher i'm in Jisungs' group'' said Hyunjin.

''Jisung knows english well also you do. If you will at the same group its clear that you gonna win'' said teacher.

''Ok'' said Hyunjin and sat next to Minho. Jisung looked at Hyunjin sadly.

''So now write presentation or essay about nature zones. Each member have to choose on zone'' said teacher.

Hyunjin looked to Minho ''which zone you choose? I choose city'' said he.

''I choose both city and nature'' said without no emotion Minho.

''It's impossible, you have to choose one only'' said Hyunjin.

''Ok'' said simply Minho.

Guys worked on tgeir work. It was time to check. Hyunjin read his presentation about city zones. But Minho as he warned read about city and nature.

''Well you didn't hear me Minho'' though Hyunjin and really was mad at him.

''Ok Minhos' group is winner'' said teacher.

''Congratulations'' said Hyunjin happily to Minho but Minho didn't pay attention to him.

''Why are you so rude'' though Hyunjin.

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