Part 36

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Lessons have ended. Students were going home.

''See you Minho'' smiled Jisung.

''Bye'' said Minho.

Minho was going home. Today was cloudy. Because it was March. Minho hates spring. He was peacefully going home and he put his phone as a habbit Minho uses his phone quite often thats why he's always online.

Minho saw nonfication from stranger.

Unknown number
Hi dude


Who is this?

Unknown number
Lee Felix

Ah you are Hyunjin's ex?

Unknown number
Don't say so

Minho saved Unknown number as ''Hyunjin's ex''

Hyunjin's ex
Let's meet up here

Hyunjin's ex
*sends location*


Hyunjin's ex
Just curious

The location was the park which Hyunjin sent before to Minho.

In the afternoon Minho went to that park. He was standing near the lake. He easily got bored and be put his telephone to surf the internet.

''Pretty yeah'' heard deep voice. Minho straightly looked to Felix.

''Hi'' said Felix

''Hi'' replied Minho.

''What you did to him?'' Asked Felix.

''To who? Why?'' Replied with a question Minho.

''Hyunjin. What you did to him? Last days you've been hurting him lot'' said Felix but Minho didn't say anything he just was staring to the lake. Felix contiuned ''he didn't chose me because of you. He loved you so much. I guess he loved you more than me. But how dare you hurt him'' said Felix.

''I did nothing. He has to appriciate my decision'' said Minho.

''He did. Thats why he was quite'' Minho annoyingly looked to Felix ''you know what? You also have to accept his decision. You have to directly say him that you can't be with him. You may be friends with him instead of this pain'' said Felix.

''I don't want him even as a friend. He's not my type at all. Fanboying over girls, singing their songs, dance for them. You think that doesn't make me jealous. Better he had to focus in serious things, to study instead of loving me.'' Said Minho.

''Well Hyunjin..'' smiled Felix ''Hyunjin was multitalented. He was interested in everything and of course he can do everything. Study and music career at the same time. But Hyunjin is loyal of his loved once. He cares a lot'' said Felix.

''Do i give a damn about it?'' Said Minho.

''Wait you already started to be rude. You know what? I'm his friend so i care. The thing made me afraid that last time he called me. He was crying. I noticed from his voice that he cried lot. And i was sure that it's because of you! Nothing can make him cry except of you Min... ugh i don't even know your name. Well he died when he was in call with me!!!'' Said Felix almost was about to cry. ''You! Damn! Lost most kindest person in your life!'' Said Felix. ''I called you because he died because of you!''

''Please stop talking about person which is already dead. You can't fix the past. You better look for your future. If that's happened because of me i regret. But don't talk to me about him because i don't care anymore'' said Minho calmly.

''You never cared about him. As he told you ignored him'' said Felix.

Minho started to laugh. Felix was wondered was it moment to laugh?

''Huh? Ignored? Yeah right. Don't wanna waste my time with useless people'' said Minho.

''It's useless to waste my time for you. Better go. I though you have a heart'' said Felix.

''I am human after all'' said Minho.

''It's hard to understand you'' said Felix.

''No one knows me. I'm the one who knows myself'' said Minho and went away with an anger.

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