Part 17

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Do you have a best friend?

Yes i have

May i know who?

Hyunjin only

He's really good boy and spotless


And i noticed well that he has crush on my friend Minho

You guessed right. But how?

It's secret)


But tell your friend to be careful. Tell him to stop making step to Minho. He doesn't deserve for Minho.

I already told him to stop but he is stubborn

Yeah after that Seungmin and Chan became couple. They easily liked each other.

So lets turn to the time now.


''I was bored so i came here to talk with you. I'm single you know'' said Hyunjin. Seungmin laughed.

''I will talk with Minho'' smiled Chan ''if you tell me your ideal type i will find you someone'' said Chan.

''But i have very high standarts'' said Hyunjin and Chan laughed ''but Minho knows how is my ideal type'' said Hyunjin.

''Really?'' Asked Chan.

''Yes i told him'' said Hyunjin.

''Well you still love Minho right?'' Asked Chan.

''Yes'' said directly Hyunjin which was tired of hiding his feelings. ''But honestly i don't know why i want to open up to you but i'm broken. I have my ex also'' said Hyunjin

''Wow?'' Wondered Chan.

''Yeah Assuie boy'' said Seungmin.

''Ah got it. Wait Australian?'' Asked Chan.

''I told you i have high standards'' said Hyunjin.

''Wow'' said Chan. ''So how was his name.

''Felix'' said Seungmin.

''But Hyunjin if you love Minho please think about Jisung too'' said Chan.

''I know them well'' laughed again Hyunjin by remembering it's pain and went back to his seat.


During the breaktime Minho, Chanbin and Chan played pingpong.

''Ok i will play with Chan'' said Changbin.

''Well'' said Minho.

''So if you lose you have to sit with Hyunjin!'' Said Changbin to Chan.

''Shut up!'' Said Minho.

''Oh why?'' Asked Changbin. But Minho gave bad look to Changbin. ''Oh ok ok'' said Changbin.

They started to play game. Changbin won.

''So who is the next to play with the winner?'' Said Changbin

''Huh. Me'' smirked Minho.

''Ok if you lose you have to sit with Jisung'' gave evil smile Changbin to Minho.

Yeah Changbin is the one who ships Minho with Jisung. From Minho's every steep Changbin mentions Jisung which Minho already adapted to Changbins shipping.

Sure Changbin annoyed Hyunjin as well. Because he ships Minho with Jisung which hurts Hyunjin's heart everyday.

''Yaaay i won!!!'' Screamed Changbin.

''Ah shit!'' Said Minho disapointly.

''Go and sit with Jisung!'' Said Changbin.

Minho took his bag and sit behind Jisung.

Jisung laughed ''Come on'' said Jisung to Minho.

Minho just sit with him. And suddenly literature lesson started.

Changbin looked to Jisung and Minho ''i pray! I pray that you two get together forever! And i wish i could go to your marrige!'' Said Changbin.

Jisung didn't pay attention but Minho smiled after Changbin's words.

Hyunjin saw. He saw all also heard all. Hyunjin immadinetly started to cry. Seungmin noticed ''hey don't cry!''

''I can't take it anymore!'' Cried Hyunjin.

''Ok class today we will contiune our theme about ''Romeo and Juliet'' so class today we will talk about Romeo's love'' said literature teacher.

Changbin smiled and looked to Minho ''we will learn about Minho's love to his Jisung'' laughed Changbin. Jisung also laughed.

''Shut up Changbin.'' Said Minho.

''Umm. Minsung! Yeah Minsung! It's your ship name guys. Wow how beautiful isn't it? Umm?'' Said Changbin.

Minho almost was annoyed.

''Changbin! Minho! Calm down!'' Said teacher by noticing how guys talking during the lessons.

Hyunjin contiuned to cry. It hurts. Hurts a lot. Hyunjin loves Minho so much but Minho hurts him. It was painful seeing Minho sitting with Jisung, his smile around Jisung, their converstation. Yeah it all hurts! Hyunjin always thinks why it's Jisung not him? Is it all punishment for Hyunjin? Hyunjin never finds answer to his questions. Hyunjin never knows Minho's feelings. Never. Yeah Hyunjin cryed. Did Minho notice or not Hyunjin doesn't know but if he notices Hyunjin knows that Minho doesn't care about it at all. Because he has Jisung.

''So talk me about this romance i'll mark. Hwang Hyunjin you start first!'' Said literature teacher.

Hyunjin didn't say anything just he looked to teacher with tears on his eyes. Teacher noticed it easily.

''Are you ok?'' Asked the teacher.

Hyunjin directly answered ''No''

''Ok you are free today. But next time you have to talk'' said teacher.

''Ok but i sid homework and took notes about this story'' said Hyunjin.

''I trust you Hwang'' said teacher.

''Thanks'' said Hyunjin and contiuned to cry.

''Hey please don't cry, forget him'' said Seungmin and whipped Hyunjin's tears away.

''It's easy to say'' said Hyunjin and contiuned to cry...

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