Part 22

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''I also want to forget i also want to hate him but i can't'' said Hyunjin. Bangchan didn't say anything he just had to agree Hyunjin's words.

''Oh guys. How are you doing together?'' Again Changbin started to ship Hyunjin and Chan.

''Are you crazy? Why you yesterday commented to my post with crazy things?'' Said Hyunjin by changing the topic.

''Huh i just visited your channel thats all'' said Changbin.

''You visited his channel?'' Asked Chan from Changbin.

''Yeah'' said Changbin.

''Huh stalker'' said Hyunjin.

''Hey i liked a girl who replied to me in your channel's comment. I guess her name was Yeji... is it her real name?'' Asked Changbin.

''Oh my god'' laughed Hyunjin. ''Yeah she's my online bestie we are close'' said Hyunjin.

''Oh i fall in love with her'' said Changbin.

''Are you kidding?'' Asked Chan.

''No. Her profile was so hot..i hope she's hot in real life too'' said Changbin.

''Yeah she's really beautiful girl in real life'' said Hyunjin.

''Let me see'' said Chan and searched Yeji's profile on his phone.

''If you want i may tell about it to her'' said Hyunjin.

''Nah i just was kidding. I change girls a lot'' said Changbin.

''Huh, playboy'' said Hyunjin.

''Hey by the way. I still may answer to your all questions about him'' said Changbin.

''I just need your help'' said Hyunjin.

''Wait you see Minho as..?''  Changbin wasn't sure for this.

''Yes you are right'' said Hyunjin by thinking that he was thinking about love.

''Oh my god. Seriously?'' Said Changbin.

''Yes'' directly said Hyunjin. ''So i need your help'' said Hyunjin. All he wants from Changbin was stop shipping Minho with Jisung.

English class have finished. Now it was a history.

''Don't worry i didn't touch your boyfriend'' said Hyunjin to Seungmin.

''Ok'' laughed Seungmin and Chan.

Hyunjin noticed that Changbin and Minho weren't at class.

After few minutes he saw that Minho entered to the class. Hyunjin easily notoced that Minho has cried but tried to hide it with his madness. Hyunjin was confused whats going on? After few minutes Minho left.

In the middle of the lessons Minho came. He was mad while Changbin cane like nothing happened. Minho sit alone. He was about to cry. He looked so cute. But he looked so sad that Hyunjin really wanted to hug and confort Minho. Again Hyunjin's hear started to dominate him by giving an idea to sit with Minho and ask what happened. Hyunjin decided to do it. And suddenly he sit with Minho like nothing happened. Jisung noticed that Hyunjin was sitting with Minho but he didn't say anything. Minho was shocked by seeing Hyunjin here.

''Uhum.. are you feeling good? What's happened?'' Asked Hyunjin from Minho.

Minho hopefully looked to Hyunjins eyes. Hyunjin was first time seeing Minho that much close. But Jisung saw it many times. Minho stared to Hyunjin like his super hero which came to save him. It was so cute. Hyunjin was first time seeing Minho that much cute.

''Hm?'' Asked Minho.

''Are you ok?'' Asked Hyunjin again.

''Yes'' asked Minho and look down. He nerviously started to play his fingers.

Hyunjin was sure that Minho is not feeling ok and he knows well that something has happened. Changbin saw that Hyunjin was sitting with Minho and again started to ship them.

''Oh Minho! What a good weather today!'' Said Changbin. Minho looked to Changbin then back. He didn't say anything.

''Hey Jisung look at them!'' Said Changbin by pointing Minho and Hyunjin.

Hyunjin tried to act like saw nothing.

''Changbin'' called with a smooth voice Minho ''i need a water please'' said Minho weakly.

''Oh.. are getting fever because you are sitting with Hyunjin? sorry i don't have. Hey Hyunjin do you have a water?'' Asked Changbin by shipping HyunHo.

''No'' said Hyunjin to Changbin.

''Minho. Ask from teacher that you feeling bad and you need to get a water'' gave advise Hyunjin to Minho.

Minho didn't say anything even he doesn't look to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin though that he didn't hear so said again ''Minho say to the teacher that you feeling bad and...'' Hyunjin couldn't say fully because Minho cut his words by saying ''ok ok ok''

That hurt Hyunjin a lot. Hyunjin though that Minho disrespects him. Hyunjin really wanted to cry this time.

''Teacher may i go out?'' Asked Minho and teacher allowed him.

Minho came with a bottle of water and classes already have ended. Hyunjin went to wear his jacked snd he saw that Minho was talking with Jisung like nothing happened with smiling to each other...

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