Part 35

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16 th November

I confessed to Minho. It was very romantic. When i was texting my feelings it started to snow. The first snow. May be snow is for good and it means later we would have healthy relationship? I think so)

24 th December

I never forget how Minho questioned me by knowing my feelings. Okay i felt emberassed but it was fun?

1st January

We had texted whole new year. During the holiday i felt like you are really celebrating with me. Yes we were texting but it seemed like you are sitting next to me in real life. I was having bad holiday but when i texted you, you made me the happiest person in this world. I remember you told that you also was having bad holiday. You texted me like we are close. And your wishes for me were full of long good wishes. I've never recieved that long message from others. That made me feel soecial. The best new year. I think if we waited new year together and i think we are going to be together whole year! May be our rekationship gets stronger this year? I think you love me too right? But you are mysterious thats why you don't tell me.

2 nd January

Today i told you that you lied me Minho. After that you started to questioning me ''don't you trust me''. Haha cute~

4 th January

I sent you my video edits. You said that you love them but what about me do you love me too?

6th January

You tried to explain that i'm not annoying you♡

7 th January

I asked you are you free or not. You said that you are chatting with Jisung. I wish you knew how much jealous am i. My heart hurts... I felt like you are cheating on me. Please stay with me...

I'm glad that at night we again texted. We talked about our ideal types. You told that your ideal type is intelligent and handsome. May be you are about me? Nah no.

12th January

The first time you cheered me up. First time you cared me when i told you i am in depression. You gave me lot of motivations and asked about my depression's reason. I felt like it's not Minho which is always serious at school. I saw your caring side which melt my heart... Ah I love you Minho!

Lol you wanted me to think that you are good guy but you are not good sorry. Haha kidding. You are perfect!

13th January

The best morning in my life. You texted me by saying ''good night'' in the morning lol. We laughed that day a lot. Why we are so funny. Why are you so funny Minho. I love spending my time with you really.

15th January

I texted you again. You said again ''chilling'' and yeah i knew you were chatting with Jisung. Again i felt heart broken. I said you to have a fun and you said 'ok' shamelessly. How you dare...

16th January

From the early morning you asked me to recommend a book or movie. I recommended you my favorite books but i don't watch movies and you told that you don't watch movies too. Ah we are similiar!

But on the same day we had a little argument. After that i beg you to forgive me you said that i did nothing wrong and you told that you don't hate for me for being fanboy and appriciate my opinion.

Seungmin readed all. Hyunjin's feelings. He looked for a second to the window it was night. He decided to contiune reading.

February started hurt me more. Minho was with Jisung. They talked to each other had a fun. Minho totally forgot me. Day by day i started to destroy myself. We were going good but what's wrong. How he suddenly chose Jisung. Is Jisung better than me? Why he left me? What's wrong with me? I'm overthinking lot. Firstly i tried to accept them as friends but no. The way Minho looks Jisung and the way Jisung smiled Minho is love... not friendship. It hurts me if i look at them.. it hurts a lot...

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