Part 29

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Hyunjin got heart attack. He couldn't move his body. Because it hurts worse. He even couldn't take a deep breathe. Hyunjin started to cry loudly. Because it really hearts. Suddenly Hyunjin stoped to feeling. He freeze like sculpture. He couldn't move. After few hours Hyunjin tried to get his phone to watch the time. And he saw that it's already 6:43 AM.

''Hyunjin. You have to get up'' said Mrs Hwang.

Hyunjin tried to get up and his heart attack is gone. Hyunjin knows well that his heart is not healthy.

Hyunjin's mom told to Hyunjin that when he amwas three years old Hyunjin got a check up and doctor told that there's issues in Hyunjin's heart and only solution was to have a surgery in USA. Doctors to his parents have suggested to send Hyunjin for heart surgery to USA. Mrs Hwang was agree but they had not enough money for it. But Hyunjin's father disagreed by saying that Hyunjin will recover without any surgery.


Hyunjin went to school like nothing happened.

''Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin and Changbin. You guys have a competition and you have to practise for it'' said teacher.

''Ok can we go and practise now?'' Asked Minho.

''Yes you can'' said teacher.

''Let's go guys'' said Minho and everyone went with Minho.

Minho entered to the empty classroom.

''Ugh we have to practise?'' Said Changbin.

''No. I just wanted to skip classes'' said Minho.

''Ah you savage!'' Said Jisung.

Yes they didn't practise. Instead of it they heard Minho and Jisungs converstation. Jisung talked about himself about his childhood and Minho gladly listened him by making eye contact. Hyunjin looked at them. It was really painful to see them talking right behind of Hyunjin. Changbin just started to gigle and ship them as always.

It started to hurt Hyunjin more. Better to sit in the kessons than listening their converstation.

''Ok you guys sit here and i'll go. Bye!'' Said Hyunjin and run away.

''H..hey! Where are you going?'' Asked Jisung which Hyunjin didn't say anything and left.

Hyunjin went to his class and sit there to calm down. Yeah it's better here than listening converstation between Minho and Jisung. Hyunjin felt better there. Hyunjin did his classwork until break time.

Aftter ring bell Hyunjin went to class which guys were practising. Hyunjin didn't say anything and sit to his seat.

''Hey why you left?'' Asked Jisung.

''I just needed some personal space'' smiled Hyunjin like nothing happened.

''I don't need personal space because i have Minho'' said Jisung and Minho smiled.

Again... it hurts Hyunjin. He started to regret that he come here. Again this srupid converstation started. Jisung and Minho laughed of their jokes or they talked about themselves.

Jisung was talking nonstop but suddenly Minho stand up and left by ignoring Jisung.

Jisung got wondered but he pretended like everything is ok.

''Hey where are you going?'' Asked Changbin but Minho ignored.

''Nah don't worry i'm feeling that he's ok'' said Jisung.

''Why Minho left ognoring Jisung? He loves Jisung tho'' though Hyunjin.

Pov Minho

Minho was listening to Jisung but suddenly he remembered a thing which hapoened yesterday. Yes. Hyunjin and he started to feel guilty. He ignored everything and left.

Minho went out from the class and started to cry. He rembered Hyunjin's words: ''You talk to Jisung, you love him by knowing my feelings..''

''What have i done'' started to cry Minho. He saw how sad was sitting Hyunjin. He saw how Hyunjin was staring at him while he was listening Jisung.

''It's ok Minho. I can't love Hyunjin and it's not my fault'' said Minho to calm himself.

After all Minho came like nothing happened and smiled to Changbin.

''Oh my god. Are you crying?'' Asked Jisung.

''Yes. i..i have a habbit to cry sudden with no reason'' answered Minho.


''Why he cried'' though Hyunjin.

Hyunjin patiently listened to their talk. Time seemed to getting a long. But after few minutes again Hyunjin got heart attack and moaned because of pain. He barely stood up and started to go.

''Whats happened?'' Asked Jisung.

''I..i have to go to the classroom i got a heart attack'' said Hyunjin with hoping that Minho also listened.

''Oh be careful. Don't fall'' said Jisung.

''Ok'' said Hyunjin and left.

One Sided Love; HyunhoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon