Part 33

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When the driver went out of car for Hyunjin he tried to check him first. Then he rekased that Hyunjin stoped to breathe. It was late Hyunjin was gone...


Minho and Jisung entered the class by holding their hands. They were looking to each other with a smile which used to hurt Hyunjin.

''Hey anyone knows why Hyunjin is not coming to school? It's already two days left but he's not there'' Asked Jisung.

''He's dead'' said Seungmin and class get shocked. Everyone was amazed.

''Are you kidding?'' Asked Jisung.

''No i'm not. Yesterday i saw Mrs Hwang on my way of home with Chan. We saw that she was crying and said that Hyunjin died'' said Seungmin.

''I..i can't believe... How..?'' Was shocked Jisung.

Minho also was amazed. ''He warned me about this i remember. I couldn't help him. I though he can live. What if i'm really reason of his death...'' though Minho.

''Guys let's go and visit Mrs Hwang. Who's with me?'' Said Seungmin.

''If you are going sure i'm coming with you'' said Chan.

''I will also'' said Jisung.

''Ok guys see you on school stadium.'' Said Seungmin.


Guys went to Hyunjin's home. Mrs Hwang was still depressed.

''It's hard to accept'' said Chan.

''Yeah. He was my only child'' said Mrs Hwang.

''Everything gonna be okay'' said Seungmin.

''I was really shocked when i heard'' said Jisung.

''Everyone was'' said Chan.

''Did he die because of heart attack?'' Asked Jisung.

''No. Car accident'' said Mrs Hwang.

''Oh no!'' Said Jisung.

Seungmin left them and went towards to Hyunjin's bedroom. Seungmin really miss Hyunjin because he was his only best friend and only a friend who supported him whike others judged him because he's introvert. Hyunjin was the one who always took care of him. It's hard to let go this kind of person.

Seungmin entered the bedroom. Hyunjin's room was quite comfy. Everything had pastel colours. In the walls there were his paintings. On Hyunjin's dest there was portrait of Minho. In this portrait Minho was giving a cat smile and Hyunjin did it well. On the left side of desk there was a photo of Seungmin and Hyunjin. In photo they were smiling brightly and Hyunjin was hugging Seungmin.

Seungmin sit on Hyunjin's bed. But suddenly Chan came.

''Hey my love are you okay?'' Chan hugged Seungmin.

''I'm feeling empty... i miss Hyunjin.. so much... i can't live without him. I miss his smile.. his kindness...' cried Seungmin.

''We all miss him but that's life. Don't worry lovely you have me'' said Chan.

''Right'' said Seungmin.

''We are leaving now'' said Chan.

''I want to stay here. For a day'' said Seungmin.

''As you wish. I'll miss you'' said Chan and kissed Seungmin's cheek.

''Bye'' said Chan and he left.


It was night. Seungmin was laying on Hyunjin's bed. It feels weird right? Laying on person's bed which is dead.


Seungmin was going school. He heard that someone is calling him.

''Seungmin'' it seemed like Hyunjin called him.

Seungmin looked back and started to search Hyunjin but he wasn't there.

''Seungmin'' again heard Seungmin.

Seungmin walked like nothing happened and arrived his classroom. Classroom was noisy.

Seungmin took his seat and he started to do his classworks. But Chan didn't came.

Seungmin peacefully was doing his homework but again heard Hyunjin's voice.

''Seungmin'' again his voice.

Seungmin looked to class and saw that Hyunjin was standing and looking to Seungmin.

'''' Was shocked Seungmin.

Hyunjin ignored this. ''I have to talk with you Kim Seungmin'' said Hyunjin.

Seungmin still was shocked. He though that he's getting mad. Hyunjin hold Seungmin's hand and it feels so realistic.

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