Part 32

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''If you would like to break me like that you don't need to ask how am i feeling. Chan is right you never know my pain'' said Hyunjin.

''There is no reason to live the life'' said Hyunjin.


Morning. Hyunjin was going to school. He was walking slowly. Outside it was totally clear that he is broken. Hyunjin decided to go to school by bus.

Hyunjin went to the bus station and waited for a bus. He put on his headphones and closed his eyes and started to listen a music.

Everything was calm until someone holded Hyunjin's hand. Hyunjin was scared and opened his eyes and he saw that man was holding his hand.

Shocked Hyunjin put off his headphones. ''Hello?'' Said Hyunjin.

''Good morning. I want to suggest you to work in our JYP company. We suggest you to take part in our upcoming audition and you can become idol''

Hyunjin was wondered because being idol was his biggest dream not only dream it was his goal.

''Uh i'm agree, yeah sure, of course!'' Said Hyunjin.

''Here's visitor card for you. See you soon'' said manager and went.

Hyunjin smiled. Here's a new chance and new reason to contiune his life. Hyunjin decided to start his life from new. If he trains lot he may start to forget about Minho. But Hyunjin decided to apply entertainment after school. It's right time.

Bus came and inside Hyunjin with a smile looked his card on his hand and smiled by looking his new chance.

Bus arrived to the school and Hyunjin went towards to school. That same noisy school but happy Hyunjin.

He entered to the class and saw that famous class couple Seungmin and Chan.

''Hey Guys!'' Said Hyunjin and hugged Seungmin.

''Hi. You are so happy today'' said Seungmin.

''Yes i am'' said Hyunjin.

''I'm glad that you forgot Minho'' said Chan.

''I didn't'' said Hyunjin. Seungmin and Chan gave questionable look.

''But i got offer from JYP to become an idol!!'' Said Hyunjin.

''Woow! Congrats!!'' Said Seungmin.

''Congratulationas. That the good job go on your dreams!'' Said Chan.

''Thank you guys!'' Said Hyunjin.

It all was good but again seeing Minho and Jisung together made Hyunjin upset. He tried to be patient. Schools finally have ended. Hyunjin decided to go to the library and to do his homework.

Hyunjin entered the biggest library in their school and choose some books which may helo to Hyunjin for his work.

After taking books Hyunjin decided to find a place to sit there. Hyunjin has a place which students rarely visit. It was the math books section. Yeah lot of students hate math.

Hyunjin went to the math section and saw how Minho was pulling Jisung to the bookshelf. Hyunjin started to stalk them.

Minho straightly looked Jisungs scared eyes.

''You know what?'' Said Minho ''i love you Han Jisung'' said Minho but Jisung was in silence.

Hyunjin started to cry by lostening this. His crush confessing to another guy. That's most painful.

''Say it back! Do you love me too? I see you do! Don't avoid it!'' Said Minho to Jisung.

''I..i do. I love you too Lee Minho'' said Jisung and Minho's lips covered Jisung's. Finally they kissed each other.

Hyunjin cried. His heart again hurts. The worst pain ever. The pain which Hyunjin wished to not feel but thats happened.

Hyunjin run away from the library and cried. And saw nonfication from Felix at the same time.

I don't need your time. I'm done. If you don't want me so do i.

Hyunjin ignored it and cried. He run away from the school. He was running to his home with his tears.

''Minho. Do i desrve that? Why it's happening? Is it because i'm bad person?!'' Cried Hyunjin. ''Why?'' Screamed he. Everyone looked at him. Hyunjin avoided he was feeling pain. His love Minho kissed his friend Jisung! Hyunjin almost forget about the offer which made him smile. Hyunjin was still crying. He decided to call Felix.

''Felix'' cried Hyunjin.

''Hey are you okay?'' Asked Felix he felt that Hyunjin was crying from his voice.

''Felix i just saw your message. I'm sorry. I can't promise to love you'' said Hyunjin.

Felix didn't say anything. Hyunjin still was crying. He can't get of his mind how Minho kissed with Jisung. He never forgets this pain no matter how much he wonts. Hyunjin was crossing the road.

''Okay. I understand'' said Felix.

But when Hyunjin was crossing the road with his tears car came and hit Hyunjin.

Hyunjin fell to the ground. His body suddenly covered with blood and phone which he was in call with Felix fell to the ground and it's screen was broken.

''I..i uh.. Love you Lee Minho'' was the last word which said Hyunjin.

Hyunjin lost his mind.

''Hey Hyunjin. Hyunjin! Are you listening me?'' Asked Felix but this call got ignored, may be it was the last call.

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