Part 28

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Today whole night Hyunjin walked through the streets and shops. It's the best way to Hyunjin calm down but it doesn't make him to forget his pain. It started to rain. Hyunjin entered to the bakery which was nearby.

''Amerecano and oreo cheesecake please'' offered Hyunjin. Nowadays he was keen of sweets.

Hyunjin sadly eat alone. Sad music was playing in the shop radio. Hyunjin left bakery after 13 minutes. It was still raining...


Hyunjin went to school. Days were normal but when the lessons finished he waited for Minho as he promised but Minho seems that he forgot. Because he was leaving class by holding Jisung's hand.

Hyunjin saw and tried to stop him. ''Hey!''

Minho looked to Hyunjin dissapointly.

''I'll be there after few minutes. I have few works to do'' said  Minho and went with Jisung.

Hyunjin went to the park and waited for Minho. Weather cloudy. Already two hours left but Minho didn't come.

After few minutes Hyunjin saw Minho. He was wearing grey hoodies and looked so hot and cute at the same time. When he came to Hyunjin Minho looked at him straight like ''what you want''.

''Minho...'' said Hyunjin. Minho didn't say anything just stared him. ''You promised. I trusted you. I gave you time but you...''

''It's not right time'' said Minho.

''You are in love with Jisung. Everyone knows it. You guys together. You talk to him lot. You support or protect him no matter what. You accepted him without no giving a time! But you judged me! What is wrong with me Minho? Whats wrong that Jisung is better than me. We were friends before Jisung came into your life.'' Hyunjin started to cry and yelled at Minho which calmly was listening.

''Nothing is wrong with you'' said Minho.

''You do anything which he suggests or tells to you but you never did things which i suggested. What's here mistake? Is it because i don't know math as you guys?'' Said Hyunjin with his tears. Silence.

''You know about my feelings well. You know that i love you. It's impossible to dislike you Minho. I try myself to stop but i can't really. You chose Jisung by knowing my feelings to you. You talked with him, you gave your love to him by knowing that I love you'' Hyunjin cried and took his deep breath ''you want me to be in pain? Right? You did to hurt me right? Congratulations you did'' said Hyunjin.

''You are really heartless! You never give a damn about me!'' Cried Hyunjin ''i wish you also could suffer the pain which i'm suffering. I'm impatient. Oh sorry why i'm telling this to Hearless Lee Minho! You don't care right?!'' Shouted Hyunjin. Minho didn't say anything he was just looking to the ground.

''If you loved me i would treat you like no one else. I believe that no one can love you like me Minho. Never forget that. Oh wait why i forget that you don't care?!'' Cried Hyunjin.

''All i can say is be happy. Sorry for wasting your time Lee Minho. I never bother you anymore!'' Hyunjin run away by leaving Minho alone.

Minho is not heartless. He started to feel strange. ''Is he crazy? I didn't force you to love me Hyunjin. It's not my fault. If i ignore you, you have to leave me without making any drama or problem to yourself'' though Minho.


Hyunjin cried by walking his way. It was already getting dark. Hyunjin doesn't care. Hyunjin was feeling empty inside. But goodside Hyunjin felt good after telling all Minho.

''I don't deserve for love'' said Hyunjin by whiping his tears.

Hyunjin came home. He did his homeworks before by listening music. When he finished his homeworks he relased that it was already 1:43 AM.

''Oh i have to sleep'' said Hyunjin and went to his bed. He tried to sleep but he couldn't because of overthinking. When he looked to his phone it was 2:02AM.

He again tried to sleep but he suddenly woke up at 4 AM  because of Hyunjin's heart attack...

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