Chapter 39: The Aftermath

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They all leave the courtroom. Zac's emotions are all over the place. On one hand, he is thrilled that he is not the father, on the hand, he is mad as fuck at Karen and all the mess she tried to pull.

"How are you feeling?" Fatima asked Zac.

"Truthfully, I am pissed the fuck off." Says Zac. "Why in the world would she do this to me? I have never done anything to hurt her. My cousin though, Fatima? He was like a brother to me; we were as thick as thieves. When he got killed, it took me a while to get over, I was so hurt. All this time they had been messing around.

Karen and her attorney walked out of the courtroom.

"Karen, I have one question. How long? How long have y'all been messing around and were we still together?" Asks Zac.

"She will not be answering any of your questions." Says Karen's attorney.

"No, it's okay," Karen says. Yes, we were together. Jamal and I were messing around ever since his mom kicked him out of the house and he was staying with you."

Zac is in thought for a minute. "That was about a year before we broke up. So did you break up with me because I wouldn't leave the streets or because you found out you were pregnant?"

Karen pauses, trying to find the right words to say. "Because I found out I was pregnant, and I knew it wasn't yours. I'm sorry Zac." Karen says in tears.

"Save your sorry. You're slimy Karen and I feel sorry for that little girl. Fatima let's go."

Fatima and Zac drive back to the firm in silence. Fatima gets out to get in her car.

"Do you want some company, Zac?" Asks Fatima.

"Naw I'm good, I'm going to call Jake and go to the bar."

"Ok. Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Fatima. For everything."

"No problem, Zac."

They both drive off in separate directions.

Zac calls Jake.

"Hello." Says Jake."

"Hey man, what you are getting into?" asks Zac.

"Nothing. Just leaving the office."

"Can you meet me at the bar?"

"Yeah, man. On my way."

They arrive at the bar. Of course, Zac tells Jake everything that happened today at court. After a couple of hours of drinks. Zac is too wasted to drive so Jake takes him home.


It has been 2 weeks since the courtroom incident. Fatima and Zac have not spoken. Zac is still in a whirlwind of emotions. He took a leave from work and has been in New York ever since. Fatima has been trying to give Zac some space because she knows he is dealing with a lot even though she has news of her own to tell him. It just seems like it's never the right time. She thinks about what Karen did and she doesn't want to do him like that.

She is now 10 weeks.

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