Chapter 25: From Good to Bad

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"Karen. What's up?" Zac looks confused.

"I was just calling to check on you. How you been?" Asked Karen.

"I'm good. Sorry Karen, but I have work to do. Can I hit you up later?"


Zac shakes his head wondering why she is calling him. Let me get back to work. He thought to himself.

He goes to Jakes office. "Hey man can you send me the information for the client and what time you need me to meet with them?"

"Yeah man. It's at 2:00 and I will text you the address and information. Thanks."

Zac goes back to his office and gets some work done. Jake sends him the address of the client. Around 1:00, he gets ready to head to the house that Jake sent him.

When he gets to the house he notices Jake did not text him the name of the client, so he texts him. While he is waiting he goes inside to take a look at the house.

15 minutes later someone knocks on the door. Zac rushes downstairs to answer thinking it may be the client. He opens the door.

"Karen? What are you doing here." Zac asks annoyed.

"I'm here to meet my realtor, Jake." Says Karen.

"FUCK!!!" Says Zac.

"What you're not happy to see me? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, Karen. You didn't. It's not you. My boy asked me you take his client, but never gave me all the details."

"Oh, I'm sorry. We keep running into each other maybe that means something." Says Karen.

"So you are looking for a house?" Asks Zac.

"Yes I told you I just moved here with my mom. Her place is too small for me and my daughter."

"You have a daughter?"

"Yes, Zac. We have a daughter." Karen says showing Zac a picture of a little girl around 12 years old.

Zac is shocked and is lost for words.

"Hello, Zac."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Isn't she cute. Looks just like her daddy."

"Umm. Karen can we reschedule the house tour? I just remembered I have something to do." Zac runs out of the house. Before he gets to his truck, he throws up in the bushes right in front of the house.

He looks back at the front door and the gets in his truck and leaves. He doesn't know what to do. He wants to call Fatima, but realizes that's not a good idea. He goes straight to the house.

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