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<Hallway, Hogwarts>

"First the stupid compulsory questioning and now this inquisitorial squad! It's like she wants us to have no freedom", "that's exactly the point Love" Fred responded to his girlfriend as they walked back to the common room from their last class of the day. "It's so dumb!", she threw her hands up and sighed, "I agree but we'll just have to be extra, extra sneaky", "listen to you being the voice of reason", Willow grinned and elbowed her partner who scoffed, "watch yourself pipsqueak!". The two fell into a comfortable silence as they continued walking, Willow scanning the hallway, and watching the people around them.

"Speak of the devil" she muttered to herself, "you go ahead, I'll meet you in the common room", Fred began to question why until he spotted Draco walking towards them and understood, "sure..." he squinted at the blonde in disapproval but didn't say anything more. Willow kissed him on the cheek gently before stopping and waiting for Draco to get closer.

"Just going to borrow Draco real quick" Willow grabbed Draco's arm and dragged him off with her but not before grimacing at Blaise Zabini who shrugged in response and kept walking. "What do you want Willow" Draco sighed snatching his arm out of her grip as they walked to a quieter area of the hallway. "That's no way to greet your beloved 'sister'!" Willow responded pouting sarcastically, "I should've never said that" Draco sighed.

"Besides I'm just checking in on how you're going..." Willow gave him a pointed look, "and why in Merlin's name you joined that god-forbidden 'inquisitorial squad'!". Draco rolled his eyes, "I can do whatever I want and I don't have to explain anything to you", Willow slapped his arm lightly, "I'm not saying this because I want to monitor your every move, I'm saying this because it's dumb and people hate you enough as it is!". "So, I don't need them to like me", Willow sighed, "I know you're not a bad person Draco but you're not making it any easier for yourself", Draco let out a pained laugh, "I have a reputation to uphold".

Willow glanced around the hallway to make sure there wasn't anyone around before she put a hand on his shoulder "I wish it didn't have to be that way", Draco let his tough act slip and stepped forward, letting Willow embrace him, "me too, but that's just what I was born into". "Just wait till after school when you can be your own person and have the freedom to start over", Willow pulled away and patted his cheek. "Now, off you go, and don't be too much of a prick", Draco smirked at her sadly, "no promises".


"Stupefy!", "Expelliarmus!", the group was currently arranged in a circle and were flinging spells at the dummy which was rushing from one student to another. "Expelliarmus!" Willow sent the dummy on its way and smiled as Fred ruffled her hair, "good one". "Reducto!" the group all turned in shock to face Ginny who turned the dummy to dust, she was very pleased with herself but the looks on her brother's faces were by far the best thing. "I didn't know she could do that!" George muttered, "let's not get on her bad side in the future" Fred agreed.


"So that's it for this lesson. Now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays", everyone in the room groaned and Harry smiled, "so just keep practising on your own as best you can. And... well-done everyone! Great, great work". A round of applause rose from the gathering of students before they all started to collect their things and make their way back to their common rooms.

Fred, George and Willow quickly rushed up to Harry, eager to discuss some plans that they had been brewing up, "We've been thinking Harry-", George began, "we could always slip Umridge some puking pastilles into her tea" Fred continued, "or fever fudge. That give you these massive pus-filled boils right on...", Willow nudge the twins but didn't need to say anything as Harry spoke for himself. "Sounds great, guys. Could you excuse me?".

Fred and George gave each other a dejected look but walked away, "what was his rush" George sulked, Willow grinning, "didn't you see, he was clearly preoccupied". She glanced back and her grin grew, "With a certain Cho perhaps...". The twins glanced back as well and a look of understanding spread to their faces, "get it, Harry!". Willow laughed, "come on you two".


I love writing the scenes the between Willow and Draco <3
Have a good day lovelies

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