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"I Sliced Him."
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

        THEA can recall the day that she told John B about how she didn't have a dad when they were kids like it was yesterday, the memory remains fresh in her mind. It was a warm and sunny day in Kildare County, and she and John B were hanging out in his bedroom back at the chateau.

She was scribbling with a green color pencil in her new sketchbook that her mom had bought with her paycheck from the Wreck, John B was hanging upside down from his bed and counting down the seconds of how long he could hang before all the blood rushed to his brain

"John B, your face is red like a firetruck, I think you should stop." Thea warns him, her eyes wide with concern as she watched.

"Wait, I'm almost at a minute!" John B blurted, "58, 59, 60!" He kicks his feet over his head, then he drops to the floor on his back. "Whoa." He giggles in a daze, "My head feels weird now."

Thea rolls her eyes, "That's because all the blood rushed to your head, dummy."

"Well, I'm bored!" John B exclaimed, rolling over to his stomach. "You wanna go fishing?"

Thea's brows wrinkled, "Fishing? I don't know how to fish."

John B's jaw fell open, "You don't know how to fish?! How?"

Thea shrugged, taking her color pencil and scribbling on her page. "I've never fished before."

"That's not acceptable." John B shakes his head, walking over to the girl on the floor and grabbing her hand. "If we're gonna be best friends forever, then I have to teach you how to fish." He pulls her to her feet with a simple tug of his hand, "Come on."

"I—" The blonde girls sighs, giving up on fighting him. "Okay."

The two kids leave the bedroom, and John B closes the door behind him as he pulls her along the house. "Dad! Me and Thea are going fishing!"

"All right, bird!" His father Big John yells through the cracked open office room door, "Y'all be safe out there, and make sure you're back as soon as I ring the bell!"

"I always am, pops!" John B replied, pushing open the screen door and leading Thea out to the yard. "We'll take his boat, he won't mind."

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