Chapter Fifty: Distrust

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Alright, back to real-time we go!


Sodo was the first one to wake up. Ember was still in his arms, cuddling close to his bare chest. He kissed her head, starting to absentmindedly run the tips of his fingers down her back. He didn't know if her asking him to stay last night was her saying she forgave him or I'd it was just her needing comfort and he was there. He was hoping it was her forgiving him. He didn't know what he would do if she told him to leave when she woke up, despite her being in his room. He didn't think he would be able to take sleeping alone again. Not after the first good night's sleep he had since the last time he and Ember shared a bed.

"I really did miss you, Ember," Sodo said softly, "And I hate myself for hurting you the way that I did. You didn't deserve it."

He wasn't sure if she could even hear him since she was still asleep. He hoped she could. He didn't think he'd be able to repeat his apology again. But he would if he needed to. He would apologize and prove to her he was getting better as many times as he needed to just to get her back. He heard her hum, making him look down at her. Her eyes were cracked open a little, looking up at him. The first thing she said was, "You stayed."

"I told you I would," Sodo told her. Ember just sighed and asked, "Have we gotten any update on Sunshine yet?"

Sodo shook his head, "I don't know. I haven't checked. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to risk waking you up. Plus, I promised you I'd be here when you woke up.'

Ember smiled softly before asking him, "Could you check?"

Sodo nodded, unwrapping his arms from her, grabbing his phone, and flinching from the brightness as the screen turned on. He read through the messages Swiss had sent him, telling Ember, "We'll, Good news is Aether woke up. He's fine. Aeris is calmer now."

"And Sunshine?" Ember asked. Sodo just shook his head, "Nothing on her. Rain's pissed though."

"Fuck," Ember cursed, burying her head into the pillow. Sodo put his phone down, looking at Ember as he said, "You wanna go check on her?"

"Could we?" She asked, peeking at him. He nodded softly, "Yeah, of course, baby."

Ember felt butterflies in her stomach hearing him call her that again. It had been so long since she heard him say it and it just made her feel happy inside. She slowly sat up as Sodo asked, "You wanna put your clothes back on?"

Ember shook her head, "I'll wear yours. It's more comfortable anyway."

Sodo couldn't help but smile hearing her say that, walking to his dresser and grabbing a shirt, pulling it on. He slipped on some simple skater shoes and walked over to Ember, "If you wanna check on her, you gotta get out of bed."

She sighed and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, standing up as she walked to where Sodo had put her shoes, slipping them on. They left the room together, Sodo's hand on her lower back, soon just falling to his side, not knowing how comfortable she was with him yet.

As they got closer to the infirmary, Ember started fidgeting with her hands nervously. She was sure Rain was in there. And if Rain was pissed yesterday, she was sure he wouldn't be happy to see her today.

They soon got to the door, Sodo slowly knocking on it, hearing Sunshine call out, "Come in."

They both slowly walked in, Ember looking around the room, not seeing Rain. Sunshine was sitting up on her bed, looking a little pale, but she still had a smile on her face seeing Ember, "Ember, are you okay?"

"Am I okay? Sunshine, are you okay? I hurt you yesterday," Ember asked, walking closer. Sunshine shrugged, "Nothing I couldn't handle. It was interesting to know how that felt, but nothing's damaged, everything's fine. Or, it hurts a little, but don't worry about it. I'm worried about you. You must feel terrible."

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