chapter 46 || memories

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published : february 15, 2023


1 week later...

My eyes opened suddenly after seeing nothingness for what felt like eternity. They adjusted to the light as I noticed I was in a small wooden room. I was laid on a quite comfortable mattress. 

I sat up from my sleeping position, looking down at my torso. I was wrapped in bandages and was in new clothing. A white mid length sleeved shirt fit me perfectly, along with tan cargos. 

I stood up, making sure to catch my balance. Where was I?

I swung the door open looking out. A small breeze hitting my face. The world around me was peaceful, chatter was heard, but mostly the shore hitting the land. 

It was beautiful. Like a dream. I did a full circle, looking at all of the different things beside me. As I turned my head to the right a little, I was able to see a group of people, all tending to different things. There were large drapes of fabric as well. 

I walked closer to the little village, my eyes rendering in to the distance. People stood up from their tasks as they stared at me as I walked by. Vince and I made eye contact as he gave me a smile. 

Further down, I noticed Minho sitting with a blond headed boy who had his back turned to me. I smiled at the sight of Minho, one of my closest friends were okay. He seemed to have realized someone was staring at him as he looked up from a stock of corn that he was shucking.

His eyes widened as they met mine, making him stand up from his spot and drop the corn.

"Y/N!" Minho said as he ran over to me, engulfing me in a large hug.

The blond turned his head towards me, our eyes meeting.

"Newt." I breathed as my eyes softened. Minho let go of me, giving me space.

"Y/N" Newt said aloud, walking over to me slowly.

"Am I dreaming?" I asked as I held his hand in mine to make sure he was real.

"No, no you're not" He said as he let out a laugh.

"Newt!" I shouted as I hugged him tightly. "Oh my god, I thought I lost you" I said as my head was burrowed into his shoulder.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Love" He replied.

More people made their way around us. I looked into Newt's eyes. They were filled with emotion and weren't lifeless.

"Y/N..." Newt whispered quietly.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He didn't even respond. Instead, everything seemed to move in slow motion. Newt's body came closer to mine, making my heart and mind race. Our body was inches apart until there was no space between us. Our lips were pushed against each other lightly, both of excited for this moment. A moment we've been waiting for, possibly for forever. I pulled away slowly, looking straight into his eyes.

"I thought I had loved you too late" I said to him.

"I thought you didn't love me at all" Newt laughed.

I kissed him again, this time with more passion as he held my waist and I held the back of his neck. 

"Woo! That's my boy!" I heard Minho shout from behind me, making Newt and I laugh, breaking out kiss.

I turned to face Minho who stood with Brenda and Thomas, looking like a proud dad.

"Oh shut up Minho" Newt said as he threw a rock from the floor at the boy. Minho dodged it with ease.

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