chapter 20 || don't shoot

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"Hey! Shoo!" A voice shouted, causing me to groan as my eyes adjusted to the light. 

It was around morning which meant we had survived a night! No arm was around my torso though, so I knew I was imagining things. 

"Gosh Thomas, shut up" Minho groaned as he rolled on the floor.

"Fine, i'll let the crows eat you too" Thomas said sassily, nudging the boy with his foot slightly.

I yawned as I stood up, stretching my limbs and stepping outside. The scorch looked definitely different in the day than at night. It looked almost peaceful during the day.

"Okay, we should start going" Thomas' voice spoke from inside our shelter. 

The group had been packing up the little amount of stuff that they had, Winston still lay on the floor, barely moving but letting out whimpers of pain every so often.

"Hey, how you doing?" I asked him as I kneeled down besides the boy.

"I'm okay" He said, putting a smile on his face.

Poor boy, he was suffering, yet still putting a smile on his face to seem okay.

I got up from the boy, grabbing a couple of my things before walking over to meet the rest. Fry helped keep Winston steady in the back of the group as we walked throughout the Scorch, I made sure to stay near Newt and Minho.

"I hope the whole world doesn't look like this" I said to the group as we walked through an abandoned broken down city.

"Hang on. Stop. Do you hear that?" Thomas asked as he turned around to face the rest of us. We all halted in our tracks, listening to whatever he had heard.

A loud rumble came from the sky, all of us looking up to see a large flying ship, making its way over to our abandoned city.

"Get down! Everybody, hide, hide, hide!" Thomas shouted as Newt dragged me over to a spot that was covered by trash and cement.

The rumbling noise grew louder as the ship came closer to us.

"What the shuck is that?" I asked to the group.

"A berg, they're Wickeds flying ships" Aris said to us.

"They're never going to stop looking for us, are they?" Minho wondered as we watched the ship fly by us.

As the noise got far enough away, Thomas stepped out from under our hiding spot, looking around at the others.

"Everyone okay?" He yelled out to them. We all cautiously made our way out.

"Yeah" We all replied.

- - - -

The walk seemed like forever. The group grew tired, and almost all of the food and water was gone. We took small breaks along the way, but there was nowhere away from the sun. 

We slowly made our way up a sand dune, looking at what lie ahead of us. More sand. 

"A little further guys. Those mountains are where we're headed" Thomas said to us trying to sound optimistic. Key word - Trying.

"That's a long way off" I said to Thomas. 

I didn't want to sound pessimistic, but we weren't going to make it... The mountains were far, and I don't think Winston had a lot of energy left.

"Then we better get moving" Thomas said to the group. 

We all sighed, picking ourselves up and walking. We just always seemed to be walking. To be escaping... First escaping the maze, then Wicked, and then the Cranks. And now we're escaping the Scorch.

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