chapter 22 || we're all shanks or cranks

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She laughed at us as we looked at her in shock. The rest of the group seemed to be preoccupied with observing the girl, while I looked around at out surroundings.

I let out a loud shriek as a Crank came at me, trying to grab at any possible thing on my body. Newt grabbed me, pulling me back behind him.

"Just stay behind me, okay?" He said to me as he looked me in the eye. I nodded.

"You guy's look like shit" She said with a laugh. "Come on, follow me." 

I looked at the rest of the group, wondering if we should follow her. 

"Should we?" I asked quietly.

"Unless you wanna stay here with them" The brunette said as she motioned towards the Cranks. 

We all quickly followed behind her, not wanting another minute with those Cranks. As we walked up a staircase, I could still hear the chains rattling together. 

"Come on, keep up. Jorge wants to meet you" She said to us as a smile grew on her lips.

"Who's Jorge?" I asked curiously. 

There were a group of people laying in hammocks in the room we walked into. They all were around middle aged men with beards. They snarled at us, but some kept their eyes strained onto me. 

Newt's hand was put protectively on my back as we walked through those rooms, they all kept staring though.

"You'll see" The girl replied. "No one has come out of the Scorch in a long time... You've just go him curious. And me too" 

The rooms around us began to have fewer people, and the lights began to grow darker. 

"Anyone else starting to get a bad feeling about this place?" Minho's voice spoke up slightly.

"Let's just hear him out. See what he has to say" Thomas said to the group.

The brunette finally lead us into an office room. A guy stood in the back, a glass of clear liquid in his hand. Water? Alcohol? He seemed to be mumbling to himself about something.

"Jorge, they're here" The girls voice said to the man as she went over to sit on a couch.

"Do you ever get the feeling, that the whole world is against you?" The mans voiced asked our group. By now, two other round men had stood behind us, I felt there eyes staring daggers at the back of my head.

"Three questions" Jorge stated as he turned around to look at us. "Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit? Don't all answer at once" He stated, a smirk growing on his lips.

"We're headed to the mountains. Looking for the Right Arm" Thomas said.

Jorge let out a chuckle, and so did the others in the room. "You're looking for ghosts you mean"

 I looked at him, an eyebrow raised. Ghosts? Was all of this for nothing?

"Question number two, where are you from?"

"That's our business" Minho said aloud.

Before I knew it, two guys had grabbed me and I fell to the floor on my knees. 

"Hey!" I heard some of the guys shout from behind me.

"Get the hell off of me!" I yelled as I squirmed in their arms.

"Shut up, Princess" I heard the brunette girl's voice say.

An object was held in her hand, it had wires sticking around it, and a screen.

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