chapter 41 || the cure

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I walked through different corridors, looking for a sight of a blonde woman. She had killed Newt. It was only fair if I killed her.

I don't know why it affected me so much, Newt's death. I mean, I just figured out that I had feelings for him. We had our moments together too. Like our first night in the Scorch when he wrapped his arms around me. 

Honestly, I wouldn't say it was hard to find Ava. She stood infront of glass windows, staring off into nothingness in the lobby of the Wicked department.

The outside light emitted onto her body, her bright blonde hair and white suit glistened. Ava's head slowly fell down... almost as if she was sad? Like she felt sorry?

I approached her slowly, standing infront of her, my gun pointing at her and tears brimming my eyes. I hated showing how I felt... especially to Wicked. I hated knowing the satisfaction they felt.

Ava turned her head, making eye contact with me the closer I got. But I stood a few feet away.

The gun shook in my hand as I began to sob, Ava's face was sympathetic, almost as if she had lost someone she loved from the Flare.

"Is it true?" I asked.

She gave me a precarious look, questioning what I could possibly be talking about.

"Newt... Could I have saved him?" Tears streamed down my face.

"You can save us all" She said as her voice cracked slightly.

My hand shook even more, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. No matter how much I wanted to pull that stupid trigger, I chose not to. I dropped the gun on the floor as I burst into louder sobs. 

Ava stepped closer to me, almost wanting to give me a hug.

"It's okay" She whispered softly, not with malice or hatred, but she actually meant it.

"Just leave the others alone" I pleaded.

"I promise."

Stop with the promises. Promises are never kept. I would know. Everything always goes wrong when it's being promised. 

"I wi-" Ava began, before a loud gun shot was heard.

My heart stopped at the sound of a gun firing. I looked into Ava's eyes as they widened and then softened. Her expression grew blank as I noticed blood in her chest, soaking on her once crisp white blouse.

She let out a whimper of pain as she began to fall to the floor, trying to grasp me for help. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. 

There's only so many deaths you can witness until you're not fazed. I believed I was done with the pain. Done with the sorrow. I believed I wouldn't feel a hint of guilt with the death of Ava Paige. But now, now, I felt a tinge of sadness, guilt, and sorrow. 

My eyes flickered to where the gun had been shooting from. Janson stood right behind where Ava's body once was. The gun pointed directly at me now. It's crazy how he would kill one of his life long coworkers, just to get to me.

I was frozen in place as Janson began walking towards me, his gun, inches away from my chest. i wanted to scream, to run, to move, but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to it.

He rushed towards me pushing an object into my neck. I flinched in pain as I pulled it out, realizing it as a tranquilizing dart of sorts as I began to stumble over my two feet, falling to the floor right besides the person I used to hate the most in this world. Now it was Janson.

I grabbed at the gun I had dropped while talking to Ava, I tried to atleast. I was losing energy fast, and as I placed my hand onto it, Janson quickly kicked it away.

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