chapter 34 || what has gotten into you?

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As I stepped into the tunnels, my foot sloshed in a liquid of some sort at my shoes.

"This is gross" I groaned as my feet continued to slosh.

"Stay with me, we've got a long ways to go" Gally said from upfront.

I was inbetween Thomas and Newt. The tunnel was completely pitch black, besides the shine from Gallys flashlight.

We seemed to be walking forever, the liquid in the tunnel, going down and becoming nothing the further we went through.

The tunnel grew into a wider, taller one, that had railways all along it. The sides of the tunnels were lit up with white lights.

- - - -

"This is a long way from the Glade" I mumbled as we came into open streets. 

"Fifteen minutes til mandatory curfew. Please proceed home in an orderly fashion. Remember, this is for your safety. Thank you for your compliance " A womans voice spoke over the sound of bustling cars and busses.

The city's streets were filled with people, swarming around everywhere, trying to make it to their destination as quickly as they could before curfew. Some wore masks, and some didn't. Some even held briefcases in their hands.

I looked up in awe at the large sky scrapers that surrounded all around the city. All of it was high tech. There were electronic billboards and large buildings everywhere.

"Yeah, we should get off these streets" Gally said as he began walking. "And I know it's hard, but act like you've seen this all before"

We followed after Gally, swiftly running behind a building as a WCKD car came into view. 

"They've definitely upped of security" Gally said, out of breath as I tried hiding my laughter. "I'm guessing you shanks have something to do with that"

Gally lead us all around the city, practically across the whole city. The tunnel was on the other side.

"Gally, where are you leading us?" I scowled. My legs ached and I just wanted to rest.

"Shh, don't talk so loudly. We're in curfew now and they're after you shanks" He said to me as he placed a finger over my lips. 

I rolled my eyes at him, but I obliged with his orders as I continued to follow behind. He lead us to the end of a street, but it seemed to have been cut off? Or cut in half?

"Gally... are you crazy?" I asked in disbelief as we got closer to the edge. He only nodded before jumping straight towards the other side. 

I looked at Thomas for confirmation, but he instead just went for it and jumped. Newt followed right after him. I gasped. I was going to have to jump.

"Y/N, c'mon" Newt said as he held out a hand for me.

"I-I can't" I replied. I couldn't. If I fell, I would plummet to the floor and die.

"Y/N, I swear on everything, no matter what, you won't get hurt. Okay?" Newt asked. 

I nodded, moving backwards to get a running start before I jumped. I shut my eyes tightly as I jumped through the air. A warm embrace welcomed me, letting me know that I didn't fall. My eyes fluttered open as my face was inches away from Newt's. Our eyes locked and I could feel the heat rising up to my cheeks.

"T-thanks" I mumbled as I stepped away from him.

"Uh, no problem" He responded. I missed his arms around me though, without them I was freezing.

Gally lead us along the wall, leading us to a small balcony with a telescope. We all looked out into the city, our arms resting on the metal railing that made us from falling to our deaths.

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