chapter 24 || party party!

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Brenda lead me to a creepy run down city of sorts. She said something about almost everyone being infected. 

"Try to blend in" Brenda mumbled to me as she grabbed my arm so I was walking next to her. 

I kept my head down, glancing every so often at the people around me. Some coughed, some had veins popping out of their necks, and some just had dirt and rubble on their faces. I felt bad, they were all suffering.

We walked through the city, getting some looks from some people, but other than that, they just kept walking in their direction as we walked in ours.

A tall white run down building was in view with large marble pillars.

"Are you sure this is Marcus' place?" I asked Brenda skeptically. 

A woman with blonde hair walked over to us, staring at us up and down.

"Are you two here for the party?" She asked, a small smile growing on her lips.

"No. We're looking for Marcus. This is his place, correct?" Brenda asked, no emotion showing in her face whatsoever.

"This is my place." A voice spoke up from behind us. We quickly turned around, face to face with a blond headed man with dark under eyes.

"Are you Marcus?" I asked.

"No, Marcus doesn't live here anymore" He replied, a small manic laugh coming from his mouth.

I made eye contact with Brenda, obviously shaken up a bit.

"Do you know where we can find him? Or where he might be?" Brenda asked this time.

"Yeah, yeah, he's in zone B" The blond headed man said.

"Okay, what's zone B?" I questioned curiously.

"It's where they burn the bodies" A whole ass manic laugh came from the man as he threw himself into a laughing fit. 

I looked at Brenda, concern shown throughout my whole face.What did he mean 'burn the bodies'?

"Have you seen a group of kids around our age anywhere here, then? They had a blond boy with them and a dark brown haired girl" Brenda asked.

"I think they went inside" He said simply, staring at me, but not my face, my body...

Brenda tried walking through the doors, but was stopped quickly by the man. 

"You don't think you could go in there like that, did you?" He asked, his smile had widened, creeping me out.

"What do yo-" I begun, only for a girl to throw clothes at me and Brenda.

"Try them on!" She said as she lead us into a storage closet, leaving me and Brenda in the dark. 

The room had a mirror, one light, and a couple other articles of clothing, but other than that, it was empty.

I showed out one of the tops the girl had given me, it was a blue with lace, almost like lingerie. Brenda was given somewhat more modest pieces, but they had rips almost everywhere. We kept our cargos on though, exiting the room and being greeted with Marcus. He stared at me more now that I was changed, it made me feel weak as I shriveled up my body slightly.

"Can we go in now?" Brenda asked.

"Just one more thing," He replied simply, holding out a flask of some liquid. Brenda looked at it skeptically.

"Drink it" He said simply, shoving it into her hands. She reluctantly took a sip, her face smushing together.

She handed the drink back to him before he looked at me.

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