chapter 25 || the right arm

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The air was still awfully hot, but in the car it was slightly better. Newt sat in shotgun, next to Jorge who drove, while Fry, Minho, Thomas, and I sat in the middle and Teresa and Brenda sat in the back.

I looked out the window, the earth was scorched, but still beautiful. Minho gave out some chuckles from under me because Bertha didn't have enough seats, so I sat on him. He scowled at Newt and I laughed.

"Hey! Don't be rude to, Newt!" I said, playfully hitting Minho's arm.

"Yeah, don't be rude to me!" Newt added.

"Alright, I'm sorry... Newtie..." Minho said through laughs. 

We all grew into a laughing fit as Newt's face began to redden. Bertha slowly stopped to a halt as we made our way to a large valley. Dusty cars lined up, all looking like they hadn't been touched in years.

"Well, I guess we're on foot now" Jorge muttered as he got out of the car.

As soon as our feet touched the floor, a rain of bullets dropped down by us, all hitting hoods of cars, making us sprint.

"Get down! Take cover!" Jorge yelled at us.

"Come on, Y/N!" Newt yelled as he grabbed my hand and ran behind a truck.

My heart raced and my hand was still intertwined with Newts. I turned my head back, peeking over the truck to get a view of everyone else.

"Everyone okay out there?" Jorge yelled out to us. A chorus of 'yeahs' were heard from the others.

"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt asked the rest of them.

I heard Jorge mutter something about Marcus to Thomas. Something about him being a 'son of a bitch' and leading us into an ambush. 

I stood up a little, seeing if everything was safe. Only for Newt to drag me back down as shots fired over my head.

"Holy shuck" I muttered.

"Everybody! Get ready to sprint back to the truck! And be sure to hold your ears!" Jorge shouted to us. I looked at Newt, wondering what the man had in mind.

"One! Two..."

"Drop it!" A woman's voice yelled. "Now! I said drop it!"

I heard something being dropped to the ground quickly. 

"All of you! Come out now!" She commanded us.

We all quickly shuffled out of our hiding spots, our hands up in the air as surrender. 

"Aris?" A new girl asked. She had platinum blonde hair and a bandana covering half of her face. 

I looked at Aris skeptically, and then at the two girls who held up guns at us. The one with dark hair removed her mask, revealing a rather pretty girl. The blonde one did too, and she was also pretty.

"Oh my god, Harriet?" Aris exclaimed as he ran into them, smashing her into a large hug.

The blonde girl walked up to them, looking at Aris closer.

"Sonya-?" Aris asked.

"Aris! You're lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass!" She said to the boy cheerfully as she also hugged her.

"What..?" I questioned.

"We were in the maze together!" Aris said happily.

"Oh right" Sonya said aloud. "We're clear guys! You can come out!" 

A group of guards dressed in black made their way out of their hiding spots in the canyon.

"We're taking them to base!" Harriest said excitedly.

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