chapter 13 ||grievers and screamers

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Rushing out of the hut, I saw as the night had turned almost pitch black. The doors, sadly were wide open, welcoming things to come out or things to come in. 

A group of boys stood at the gates. Torches, Spears, and Pitch forks, using to ward off the beasts that were waiting to come out. 

"Chuck, go to the Council-Hall and start barricading the doors" I ordered. He quickly nodded, running away as fast as he could to get away from the doors. 

"Winston, go with him too. Alright? Get the others and tell them to hide in the forests. Go! Now!" I yelled. 

A loud grumble made the floor shake. A couple of screams were heard. Shuck we were in trouble.

"Minho, I need you to find every weapon you can. We'll meet back up at the council hall okay?" I said to the boy as he quickly nodded, running even faster.

"Come on. We need to get Alby!" I said, rushing Thomas, Newt, and Teresa to follow me.

We began sprinting towards the fields, in order to hide us from the Grievers. The squeals and shrieks of them could be heard from all around us.

"Stay down!" Thomas shouted. 

I quickly knealt down, knocking to Newt. I scrambled for a moment before he quickly placed his hands on my arms. 

"Sor-" I began, only to be cut off by his hand over my mouth. My breathing quickened as I heard more shrieks and squeals from around the Glade.

A boys shriek was heard. My eyes darted our surroundings as I saw a blond headed boy be lifted into the air.

"Zart!" I shouted as his body was flown left and right. 

"Go! Go, go!" Thomas ordered us, we all began running towards the Council Hall.

"Gally let us in!" I shouted pounding hard on the wooden door. My heart beated faster and faster with the anxiety that rose. I stumbled in quickly as the others did too.

"Alby!" Thomas shouted to the boy "Are you okay?" 

"What's going on out there?" Alby asked us. 

"They're here" I blurted out.

"The Grievers?" 

I nodded quickly, still catching my breath. We all sat in silence for a moment, listening for where the Grievers might be around us.

All of a sudden, an animatronic arm pierced its way through the cieling. We all let out a yelp as it came into view.

"Stay behind me!" Alby shouted. We all listened to the oldest boy, moving our bodies behind him. The arm retracted back to the outside as we all let out a sigh of relief.

"Is everyo-" 

"Help!" I yelped, being pulled by an animatronic arm. 

"Y/N, no!" I heard Newt shout, I tried grasping his hand, but it slipped out. Thomas quickly grabbed one of my arms as Minho grabbed the other. 

"Pull her back!" Thomas shouted. 

"Y/N, don't let go!" Newt yelled, pulling onto me too.

"Well no shit!" I yelled back.

"Pull!" Minho cried. 

Alby quickly beat off the Grievers arm, making me fall roughly onto the hard floor.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Newt asked as he ran over to me.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" I said, catching my breath as I lay sprawled out on the floor.

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