Chapter 1: Meet the Cast

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Fatima Wilson 

Fatima is a beautiful, smart, and confident 33-year-old. She was raised by her grandmother, Madea since she was 6 months old. 

She went to Mercer University and received her undergrad in business. She then decided to go to law school where she met her best friend, Andi. After 8 years of working in personal injury, corporate law, and family law, Fatima decided to open her own firm. She is the Founder and Managing Partner of The Law Office of Wilson & Barnes.

Although her career has been bussin, I can't say the same about her love life. Fatima has had a few failed relationships. Not too many men can handle her success and are intimidated. The only guy that wasn't was Ian and that ended horribly.

Andi Barnes

Andi is Fatima's best friend and now business partner. They met in law school and have been close ever since. After graduating from law school, the girls worked in separate law firms for several years. When Fatima decided to open her firm, she asked Andi to come along as a shared owner, and she agreed. Andi is one of the top divorce lawyers in Atlanta.

Madea Simmons

Madea is Fatima's grandmother, a tough, tell-it-like-it-is, wise woman. She is so proud of the woman Fatima has become. She will do anything to protect her and vice versa. She has one daughter, Margaret and one granddaughter, Fatima.

Margaret Simmons

Fatima's estranged mother. Right after she was born, she and her mother went to live with her father in Savanna, GA. He got her into drugs. Fatima became a problem because as a baby she needed too much attention. One day her mother, Margaret dropped her off at Madea's doorstep. At age 3, she came back trying to be in her life, but it didn't last long. A few months later she caused a house fire while trying to get high with Fatima right there. Luckily everyone was safe, but Madea told her to never come back until she was completely clean. Thirty years later and they haven't seen her since.

Crystal Wilson

Crystal is Fatima's half-sister from her dad. Ten years ago, Crystal did my heritage search to find her long-lost sister whom her dad told her about before he passed. He told her he had another child but haven't seen her since she was born.  Once she got the information, she needed she went on Facebook to dm Fatima. She didn't meet her until she was 25 and Fatima was 28. Crystal did something that is unforgettable.

Zachary Taylor

Zac is a ladies' man. He's very attractive, funny, and confident. He was with his high school sweetheart for 5 years, until he got involved in the streets and she ended it. After his cousin was murdered, he decided to turn his life around.  He tried working odd-end jobs trying to get his life together, but it wasn't cutting it. He was used to the fast life and fast money. He was headed back to the streets when he met a wise woman that told him that fast money isn't long-term money. He took that to thought. Not long after he met his boy Jake, who got him into Real Estate. Since then, things have been looking up.

Lori Banks

Lori is another one of Fatima's friends. They became close a few years ago. She is a hair stylist in Atlanta and does Fatima's hair. She is more of the outspoken, fun, and outgoing one of the girls.

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