sick day ❤️

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I went to school and ended up catching the flu

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I went to school and ended up catching the flu. I stayed in bed with a bucket beside me. God I feel terrible. My mom went to go get me some meds after getting me tested at the doctor's.

My body felt week. Sadly tho I was wide awake. I took a sip of my sprite to try and calm my stomach. That didn't help.

Mostly because it immediately came back up. I texted raph because he was always my support. He got to his contact and sent him a text. It was met with an immediate sweet reply.

It took him a bit but after like an hour he climbed into my room. I was only in my boxers because I was absolutely dying of a heatstroke. He sat on the edge of my bed and handed me a plushie. "I don't know how much this will help but I got you a teddy bear as a present!"

I smiled and held it close. "Thanks babe I'm sorry I can't come out and fight with you today." He gave me some head pats and a small kiss on my head. "Don't worry about it I will smash them for both of us!"

I giggled then sniffled. I started coughing so I looked away. "I'm so sorry you are sick babe." I waved him off.

"Don't apologize it's not your fault darling." I heard my stomach growl as I held it. "Oh your hungry, here I will go make you some soup. You just lay down and try cooling down."

I just nodded and did as he told me. Mostly because I know I couldn't win in a fight with raph. He would always win. I kissed the teddy bear and turned on my tv.

Few minutes later he came back in with a steaming bowl of soup. He also got some chips for himself. I sneezed and hit my head on the wall. "Oh honey are you ok?"

I nodded and held out my hands. He handed me a soup aswell as a spoon. "Careful it's hot." I hummed and took a sip.

The rest of the night he stayed with me as we binged tv shows. I'm so glad I've I decided to date raphie instead of continuing that relationship with my dick head of an ex.

(A/n: Hey guys sorry it's not very long, I'm pretty drained and didn't have very many ideas. I'm so sorry but still hope you enjoyed it.


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