Billy Hargrove X Reader - Body Better

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the gorgeous new single Body Better by Maisie Peters. I'm not sure I love how this one turned out, but I'm hoping you all enjoy it, even if it isn't exactly a happy one. 

You had known from the moment that Billy had broken up with you that eventually, he would move on. He was far too pretty to stay single long-term. He would have girls fawning over him the second they heard that he wasn't with you anymore. But you hadn't expected it to happen so quickly. 

Hell, it had barely even been a fortnight and he was going official with some other girl from school. One of the preppy types that looked so perfect when she was standing next to him. It made sense. He was a star basketball player and she was a cheerleader. They were basically made for each other. But that didn't mean that it wasn't killing you to see them together. Knowing that a couple of weeks ago, you'd thought he'd loved you and now, he was giving that love to someone else. 

Fuck, he looked happy. Like really happy, not the faux smiles and gritted teeth that you'd been plastering on to stop yourself from having a total meltdown in the middle of the school parking lot. 

That afternoon, you'd been in silent turmoil as he walked her to his car. He would drive her home like he always had for you. And he probably climb in through her window when her parents had gone to bed like he had with you. And they would be so sickeningly happy, curled up together in her bed. They would be happy like you had been.

"Quit shuffling, Pretty Girl." You'd fallen still the moment he'd said the words, ever obedient with your head still resting on his chest, listening to the gentle beating of his heart within his ribcage. You peeked your eyes open, glancing up at him slightly to find him already looking down at you. "Why are you even awake?" 

You ran your fingers over his stomach lightly, blinking up at him as you considered his question. Honestly, you didn't know why you weren't asleep anymore. You hadn't had a bad dream. You weren't too warm or too cold. You hadn't needed anything. You were just awake. 

"Just can't sleep," you hummed, propping your chin up against his chest to look at him properly. 

A small smirk pulled at the corners of his lips, his hand lifting to catch yours, tangling your fingers together. "You just need some attention, huh?" he uttered, dragging you closer to him until you were practically sprawled out on top of him, his hands wrapping around you as he buried his face into your neck. "You're just feeling a little needy," he pressed on, his voice muffled into your skin as he began pressing kisses anywhere he could reach. 

You'd been caught up in a wave of giddy euphoria, your hands lifting to tangle into his hair as you attempted to stifle giggles. 

"Always so needy," he pressed on, pulling back just enough to lift his head and kiss you properly.

When he released your lips, you couldn't help the grin that overtook your features as you stared down at him, your fingers brushing over his jaw. 

"Watcha lookin' at?" he breathed out, head tilting to the side slightly, his tongue running delicately over his bottom lip. 

"Nothin'," you hummed, letting your hand drop from his face to rest on his chest, right over his heart. "Just appreciating how pretty you are," you added softly.

Your chest tightened as you watched him pull the car door open for her, grinning down at her as though she was the only girl in the world. 

You knew it was stupid to search for comparisons, but your mind had been reeling ever since you'd first seen them together. Actually, you had a lot in common when you started really thinking about it. 

You were the same age. The same height. You had the same coloured hair. You only lived a couple of streets apart. You were both struggling in your shared math classes and passing everything else pretty effortlessly. You both had a handful of close friends and a lifetime supply of acquaintances. 

Hell, it was hard to really find much that you didn't share. And then, the doubts started creeping in. The one thing that stood out, at least to you, was her body. She was practically perfect. Skinny in the way that made every other girl in your grade envious, but with boobs and an ass that could turn even the most devout man's head. Her legs were long and toned. She had abs for crying out loud. And you were just you. 

You sighed as you slumped back in your seat. Billy had been easy to love, but you couldn't help but worry that maybe you had been the problem. That maybe, as much as he loved you, you were just not doing it for him superficially. And then, your mind was reeling back to all of the times he'd kissed you, his hands roaming over your hips and ass. The times that he would hold you close in the dark, his arms wrapped around your waist to keep you tight to his chest. It didn't make sense. He'd always been so eager to touch you and now, you were wondering whether he regretted every time he'd been with you. 

His head had lifted when he shut the car door, eyes wandering over to you, sitting in your own car, your eyes already fixed on him. His smile had faltered, and it was only then that you realised that you'd been crying, your cheeks stained with tears. You quickly lifted your hand, wiping at the tears in an attempt to hide how openly you had been weeping over him and his new girlfriend. 

Billy was good enough to look away whilst you composed yourself, looking up again as he approached his own door and lifting his hand to offer you an awkward wave. How the fuck had it gone from love to this so quickly? How the fuck could he so effortlessly move on from you whilst you were breaking down in the fucking school car park? He had been easy to love, and now you had to go through the pain of seeing him love someone else the way you had hoped he loved you. Yep, the last few months of your senior year were going to royally suck. 

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Stranger Things - ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon