Steve Harrington X Reader - Never Ever

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Never Ever Getting Rid of Me from the musical Waitress. This is set before Season 1, and both characters are 17/18. It's a little short because I have the worst cold known to man and zero motivation, but I hope you all enjoy it. 

You'd been half asleep when you'd heard the tapping on your bedroom window. Knock knock knock and then nothing. And for a moment, you were almost certain that you'd imagined it, grumbling as you burrowed your face further into your pillows. And then, it had come again. Tap tap tap. And you'd turned over to look at the window with a frown until you'd spotted Steve waving at you from outside, and your eyes had widened in shock. You'd basically fallen over your own feet as you stumbled out of bed, hauling the window up and grabbing at his hand to pull him inside. 

"Are you insane?" you uttered, a little startled by the bright grin that was still playing on his lips. 

"Probably," he agreed softly, drawing you into a quick kiss. "Missed you, Baby," he added, his lips brushing yours as he walked you back to your bed. "Thought I could just stay here since my parents are out of town-"

"My parents will freak out if they find you in here," you interrupted, slumping back onto the bed with a soft sigh. "It'll be even worse if they find you asleep in my bed," you added as he settled down beside you, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.

He hummed softly. "Do they make a habit of coming in here unannounced?"

"No, but-"

"Well, what if I'm real quiet?" He murmured, his eyes peering up at you, looking all innocent and sweet, like a puppy. "I promise I'll be good," he added softly, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. 

"If we get caught, I'll get grounded," you reminded him. "And that means I won't be able to go to Tommy's party this weekend."

He nodded. "Quiet as a mouse," he confirmed. "They'll never even know I was here; Hell, you'll barely even notice I'm here," he pressed on. "Please Baby, don't make me go home."

"Fine," you breathed out, watching as his smile spread across his face. 

"I love you," he hummed, leaning up on his elbow to kiss you. "Which means you're stuck with me, forever," he added, his voice all dramatic and clearly teasing, before leaning in for another kiss only for you to put your hand over his mouth, giggling. 

"Quiet, clingy boy," you chuckled.

He pulled back, faux-hurt etched across his features. "I'm not clingy," he lied, before leaning forward to press his face into your collarbone. "I just really like you," he mumbled against your skin, drawing a soft giggle out of you.

"Shhhh," you chastised through your laughter. "You promised you'd be quiet."

"I am being quiet," he murmured against you, clearly smiling into your skin. "You're the one making all the noise, Chuckles," he added, lifting his head to grin at you. 

You stuck your tongue out at him, shoving him off of you. You crawled under the blankets, holding them up for him to join you, biting back a giggle when he dove under them enthusiastically. 

"God, your room is so much cosier than mine," he hummed, shuffling around until he was comfortable. "Might have to start staying here every night," he added, holding out his arm for you to tuck yourself into his side.

"Every night seems like tempting fate," you told him. "We'd definitely get caught."

He shrugged. "We'll just have to be ultra quiet," he told you. "Completely silent," he added. "No talking at all-"

"Steve, shut up," you murmured, placing your hand on his stomach and smiling up at him. "I'll allow once a week. Twice if you behave yourself tonight."

He was grinning when he glanced down at you, his hand lifting to brush his thumb over your cheek. "What if I'm really good tonight? Does that mean I can be here three times a week?"

"We'll see," you hummed, turning your head to kiss his palm. 

"Okay, Pretty Girl, challenge accepted." He shifted slightly, wrapping you up in both of his arms and burrowing under the covers. "Sleep tight, Baby."

You let out a soft, contented sigh. "Goodnight, Stevie."

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