Eddie Munson X Reader - Photograph

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Photograph by Nickleback (I need to stop outing myself as a Nickleback fan, it's getting kinda embarrassing.) Eddie and Reader met in Hawkins as teenagers, and when Corroded Coffin started becoming popular, they got married and moved to California. They are now in their late 30s-ish. I hope you all enjoy it.

You grumbled as you turned over in your bed, shading your eyes from the light pouring out of Eddie's bedside lamp. You reached out awkwardly, grabbing at Eddie's arm and shaking it lightly. 

"Sorry, Babe," he mumbled, his voice a little flat as you blinked your eyes open again to look at him. "Didn't mean to wake you up," he pressed on, reaching out with his free hand to pet your hair lightly, offering you a soft smile. 

"What time is it?" you murmured, leaning up on your elbow, brow furrowing when you saw the shoebox sitting in his lap, filled to the brim with all the old photos you'd been hoarding since you got your first polaroid camera at 14. 

"4," he uttered. "I'll turn the light out-"

"What are you looking at those for?" you interrupted, sitting up fully and taking a couple of the pictures from the top of the pile, a small smile pulling at your lips. 

Eddie shrugged. "Couldn't sleep," he confessed. "Was just thinking that we should probably head to Hawkins soon. Actually, I've been thinking about it since Wayne called the other night," he pressed on, smiling when you shifted to lean against him, his arm wrapping around your shoulder on instinct as you continued filing through the photos. 

"Look at this one," you chuckled, holding it up for him. It had been one of your favourites when you'd first taken it. One of the first pictures of the band that existed. All of the boys had huddled around the back of Eddie's van and tried to look menacing, even though they were some of the sweetest people you had ever met. In the background, was your childhood home, looking way more run down than you remembered it. 

Eddie snatched it out of your grip, grinning when he lifted it to look at it a little closer. "What the Hell is on Gareth's head?" he snorted, his chest shaking as he laughed. 

"It was my mom's colander," you chuckled, leaning a little closer to look at it with him. "You'd all come over to mine whilst they were out of town, remember? He thought it'd be funny to pretend to be a spaceman in all the pictures."

"Yeah," he breathed out, placing it down delicately on the comforter next to his knee. "Gotta take that one with me when we go to the studio next," he told you, reaching for another picture and handing it to you. 

"Shit," you breathed out, your fingers running over the faded picture. "That was our first date," you told him, watching his brow furrow as he glanced down at it. 

He shook his head. "Our first date was at the arcade," he corrected. "That's The Hideout," he added, poking at the picture with his pointer finger. 

"I came to The Hideout first," you disagreed. "You asked me to come to the show. Technically, we weren't actually dating yet, but I had a mighty big crush on you-"

"You had a crush on me?" he teased, grinning down at you.

You rolled your eyes. "We're married, asshole," you muttered, shaking your head in disbelief. "You think I would've gone out with you if I wasn't crushing hard?" 

The two of you sat quietly for a moment, looking at the photo of the two of you. Jeff had taken it, clearly far more aware of the blossoming relationship than either of you had been at the time. He'd given it to you a couple of months later with a bright smile that was practically screaming I told you so even if he wasn't actually saying it.

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