Steve Harrington X Henderson!Reader - Alone Together

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Alone Together by Fall Out Boy. Reader is Dustin's older sister, who is Steve's age. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You and Steve had never really expected to become friends. After all, he was the stereotypical preppy jock type. The sort of guy that would've thought that you and your friends were some of the lamest people in school. And you were definitely not cool enough for him to want to hang around you. Sure, you were smart and pretty, and funny, but you weren't exactly a cheerleader. You didn't get invited to parties or attend pep rallies. You were more than content with hanging around the library and keeping your grades up, and the few friends you did have weren't exactly in the limelight either. 

But then, your brother had ended up caught up in some sort of monster movie, and he'd brought some alien creature into your home. And Steve had been the only person capable of actually helping you and Dustin deal with the issue. He'd been a little put out by the interruption to his day, but luckily enough, he'd caved and stuck around, helping you trace Dart out into the woods. 

After that, Steve started hanging around more often. It started with him and Dustin bonding over girls and movies and other random stuff. But then, whilst he was at the house, he'd started noticing you a little more, dragging you into conversations with him when he caught you trying to sneak into the kitchen undetected. And then, somehow, he'd gotten you comfortable enough to seek him out yourself. 

It was the most unlikely of friendships, really. On paper, the two of you shouldn't have worked. You had nothing in common, or at least, you didn't think you did. But then he'd started talking about music and books and stuff that he knew you liked, and the two of you were basically joined at the hip. 

It seemed that it had a pretty positive effect on you, too. You were happier around school, less mopey and work-obsessed. You'd tell your friends about your new friend, omitting his name to save his reputation, and they'd listen with little interest. And within a couple of weeks, they seemed a little put out by your new friendship. 

"You know, you never stop talking," one of the girls muttered, shooting you a wayward glare as your nattering drifted off, your smile fading slightly. "You were more fun before this guy made you so chatty," she added, shaking her head as she returned to her textbook, leaving you a little flustered. You'd always thought that you were boring before. You'd sit silently whilst you worked, barely ever talking about your life outside of school. You'd thought they all found you tedious to be around. But now, when you were actually happy and excited to talk to them, they were deciding that they preferred the quiet, miserable version of you. 

"Oh," you murmured, swallowing down the lump in your throat. "Sorry."

"I think you should ditch him," she added. "He's turning you into one of those girls that can only ever talk about her boyfriend."

You hesitated for a moment, fiddling with your fingers. "He isn't my boyfriend."

She let out a dramatic sigh, shaking her head. "God, that's even worse."

You'd come home that evening deflated. You'd always assumed that your friends would be happy that you'd met someone who'd help increase your confidence. You'd hoped that they'd wanted you to be happy. But now, you were beginning to question whether they were actually your friends at all, or whether they just kept your around to make them feel better about themselves. 

None of them ever complained when one of the other girls talked about boyfriends or dates or anything. But, it seemed they couldn't stand you having something so positive in your life. 

You groaned as you threw yourself down on the couch, grumbling when Dustin's bedroom door swung open, revealing both your brother and Steve, watching you curiously from the doorway. 

"You think she's dying?" Dustin mumbled, watching you press your face into a cushion a little bit too dramatically. 

"Idiot," Steve mumbled, shoving him slightly as he moved further into the living room, crouching down beside you. "Bad day?" he uttered, watching you turn your head to face him, a frown etched onto your features as you nodded. "Really? That bad?" 

"My friends are assholes," you grumbled, unmoving from your position as he slumped down to sit on the floor beside you. 

"Yeah?" he hummed, watching you nod again. "What'd they do?"

You hesitated for a moment. "They don't like that I'm happy," you uttered. "Said I've gotten annoying since I started being friends with you."

He frowned properly at that, his brow furrowed so tightly that you were a little concerned it would get stuck. 

"They sound like shitty friends," he confirmed, reaching up and pushing some hair out of your face. "Good thing you've got friends like me too, huh?" He paused for a moment when your frown didn't fade. "I'm happy that you're happy," he reminded you. "I think you're great either way."


He nodded as you pushed yourself up onto your elbows to look at him properly. "Absolutely," he confirmed. "I think you're fantastic, whether you're the happiest person in the room or the saddest. I even like you when you're mad."

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, a small smile pulling at the corners of your lips. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he hummed, sitting up a little closer to you. "Do you want to know a secret?"

You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip. 

"I think you're my favourite person, no matter how you're feeling."

Your breath caught in your throat at the confession, and then, suddenly, you were beaming at him. "You're my favourite person too."

Steve smiled, taking your hand in his and giving it a light squeeze.

Sure, you hadn't expected to be friends, and you definitely hadn't expected to be more than friends either, but that didn't mean that you weren't the perfect pair, no matter your differences. 

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