Eddie Munson X Reader - Bad Reputation

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A/N - This chapter was heavily inspired by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts with a big old emphasis on the songs Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah) and Bad Reputation. I also used a playlist with a selection of Women in Rock for a bit of added inspiration, so the link to that will be in the comments. Let's be real here, Eddie would've been in love with Joan Jett and any other rock chick who he crossed paths with. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Usually, when Eddie pulled up to the Hideout, it would be pretty quiet. The odd couple of cars parked out front and maybe a little bit of music playing from the old jukebox that was pushed up against the wall closest to the bar. But tonight, it was clear that there was something going on inside, and he couldn't help but wonder whether he'd got the right night. It was rare that Corroded Coffin got more than a handful of drunks sitting through their performances, but if the crowd inside was anything to go by, tonight would be very different.

Shoving through the door, he was hit by a wall of sound, the start of a familiar song pumping out of the speakers. And then his eyes had wandered to the stage, and he'd seen you for the first time. 

Christ, you were hotter than anyone he'd ever seen. Hotter than Kim Basinger. Hotter than Bo Derek. Hotter than fucking Michelle Pfeiffer. And then the song had clicked into place. You were singing Joan Jett. You were dancing prancing around the stage with your guitar and you were singing Joan Fucking Jett like it was nothing. Like it wasn't the hottest thing he'd ever seen in his life. 

"Every girl an' boy needs a little joy. All you do is sit and stare," you sang, moving a little closer to the front of the stage, fingers still working magic on the strings of your guitar. "Beggin' on my knees, baby won't you please, run your fingers through my hair," you cried out flicking your hair around as you went, and suddenly Eddie was all too aware of what the crowd was here for. 

You were mesmerising. Whether it was the bright smile whilst you performed and the sheer quality of the music, or just because you were so damn gorgeous, he wasn't sure, but it was definitely you that was bringing in the audience. 

"Holy shit," Jeff uttered, eyes focused on the stage. "They're good."

"They're not just good," Eddie murmured. "They're fucking phenomenal."

Gareth groaned. "They're going to steal our spot."

Eddie let out a snort of laughter as the song came to a close, biting down on his lips when your eyes lingered on him for just a second. "Who cares? She deserves it," he breathed out. A bright grin pulled at your lips as the first rift started for the next song, and you were rearing back to watch your friend play you in. "The spot's hers if she wants it," he added, eyes still following you as you belted out the first lyrics.

"So, this ain't the end, I saw you again-"

"Boys," the owner of the Hideout, Gary, called out to them, slapping Eddie on the shoulder as he approached, beaming up at the stage. "Admiring our newest performers, I see," he pressed on, letting out a sharp chuckle when Eddie dared to blush at the accusation. "Y/N's dad's an old friend. He got me to pull some strings and get her band a spot." He shrugged slightly. "Turns out she's got quite the following. Might get this place on the map if she keeps doing her thing here."

Eddie nodded, clearing his throat. "She's good."

Gary snorted, nodding. "Better than you lot," he chuckled, clapping Eddie on the shoulder again. "You might want to ask her for a couple of pointers."

*Time Skip*

"That's time for us tonight, Guys," you called out through the microphone, still grinning, thriving off of the performing high. Eddie could only imagine how good it must feel to perform for such a willing audience, all entranced by the music. "But, please, stick around, get another drink. We've got another great band coming up for you tonight."

You made a beeline for the bar when you'd skipped off of the stage, leaning your elbows on the surface and grinning across it at Gary. "How'd we do?" you called out over the low thrum of the crowd. 

"You killed it; as usual," Gary told you, sliding a beer into place in front of you. "Don't tell your dad," he added, nodding towards the bottle as you wrapped your hands around it. 

"It'll be our little secret," you reminded him before taking your first tentative sip.

Gary busied himself behind the bar for a second. "Y/N, Sweetheart, this young man here is Eddie. He's part of Corroded Coffin-"

"No way," you yelped, turning to him with a wide-eyed smile. "I saw you here a couple of months back; you guys are awesome."

Eddie completely forgot how to speak, watching you with blush and a lost expression painting his features. 

"He was just telling me how great he thought you were, weren't you, Eddie?" 

He quickly cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah," he muttered. "Put Joan Jett to shame," he added, an awkward smile pulling at his lips. 

You chuckled and Eddie was certain he'd never heard a prettier sound. "God, that's so sweet," you told him, still grinning so brightly that it was practically blinding. "The Blackhearts are a huge inspiration, you know? I mean, Joan is an icon-" you trailed off. "Your friends are waiting for you," you finally added, nodding towards the steps to the stage, where the rest of the band were watching impatiently. 

"Oh shit," Eddie uttered, quickly scrambling off of the bar stool, hesitating for just a second. "Are you still going to be here when we're finished?"

"The girls had to head off, but I wouldn't miss this for the world," you confirmed. "I'm not moving a muscle."

Eddie let out a shaky breath, nodding before heading for the stage.

*Time Skip*

True to your word, you were still sitting at the bar when Eddie came off stage, buzzing from the experience of performing to a captivated audience for once. And even with a crowd like tonight, he still found himself focused on you, bopping along to the music as though you were his biggest fan. 

"Hey, Rockstar," you called out as he sidled up beside you, guitar still strapped to his back. "Looks like you had fun up there," you told him, sliding a fresh beer bottle towards him. 

"The best show I've ever played," he mumbled, his lips tilting up into a half-smile. "Sorry if this is a little forward, but can I take you out some time?"

Your head tilted to the side. "What did you have in mind?" 

Eddie froze, swallowing down the lump in his throat. "I- uh-" He watched as a smirk pulled at the corner of your lips. "You're teasing me, aren't you?"

You bit down on your bottom lip, a bubble of laughter slipping out of you. "Maybe," you murmured. 

"If you're going to be mean to me, I won't be taking you anywhere," he uttered, causing another snort of laughter to slip out of you. 

"I promise I won't be mean," you finally told him, forcing the grin from your face. "I'll be good."

He nodded slightly. "There's a drive-in movie marathon on Friday night; they're showing Friday the 13th and A Nightmare On Elm Street back to back-"

"That sounds like fun," you told him, finally offering up your proper smile again. You leant over the bar, grabbing a pen and some paper. "This is my address. What time does it start?"

"It's at 7," Eddie murmured.

"Then you can pick me up at 6:30?"

He nodded. "Sounds good," he confirmed. 

"Great," you hummed, handing over the note with your address. "I'll see you then, Rockstar," you added, blowing him a quick kiss and giving Gary a small wave before getting to your feet and heading out the door.

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