Eddie Munson X Reader - I'll Never Love Again

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song I'll Never Love Again (Film Version) by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper from A Star is Born. It came on the other day when I was just shuffling through songs and it gives me such big Eddie X Reader vibes (but softer).
Warning: this chapter has spoilers for Season 4: Volume 2. Also, Warning: I fully made myself cry reading this back (but then again, most Eddie stuff makes me cry these days), so I'm sorry in advance. 

Corroded Coffin hadn't performed since Eddie had gone missing. It had been a mark of respect from some of the band; the fact that their parents had been a little hesitant given the claim of devil worship for others. For you, it was merely knowing the truth that had stopped you from getting the band back together. It was hard to dance around the stage and play the edgy metal lead singer as you used to when you were halfway between grieving and lying. 

Eddie was dead. You knew it. You'd seen him lying there bleeding out. You'd held him as the life had left him. You'd listened to him trying to comfort you whilst he died. He was gone and he wasn't coming back. 

And yet, you had to pretend that none of that had ever happened because who would ever believe you? Who would believe that he had sacrificed himself for a town that detested him? A town that had been all too happy to hunt him down and kill him themselves. A town that still prayed that he would show up again just so that they could punish him for something that he hadn't done; something they would never understand.

So, four months after Eddie had passed, you hadn't even seen the rest of the band, let alone get on stage with them. 

It wasn't until you were clearing out your bedroom, still a little reluctant to be dragged out of Hawkins by your parents when this was the only place you had ever known, that you had even considered it. Right there, at the bottom of your underwear drawer, was the tape. 

Eddie had always had a talent for writing music. Usually, it was the typical metalhead stuff, created with the main purpose of hearing it in your voice; hearing you belt it out whilst he played. But this one had been something different. Sure, it had been written for you, but it definitely wasn't metal. And that tape was the only evidence that it had ever existed. 

You quickly pushed up from your bed, shoving the tape into the player and waiting as it clicked into place. "Wish I, I could've said goodbye-"

You immediately paused the tape, swallowing down the lump in your throat. 

It had been four months since you had last heard his voice. The voice that had made you feel safe when you were having bad days. The voice that had told you sweet nothings. The voice that you had loved with every fibre of your being. The voice you had expected to hear saying his vows to you someday. 

You took another deep breath, pressing your eyes closed and willing the tears away before pressing play again.

"I would've said what I wanted to; maybe even cried for you."

Eddie had written the song when you'd applied to college. He had known then that he loved you, but as soon as he had failed his first senior year, he'd been certain you would move on with your life and leave him behind. Not that you had ever considered the idea of ever leaving him. He was your person. The one you wanted forever. 

You couldn't help but remember how he'd looked when he'd sung the words to you for the first time after you'd informed him that you'd chosen to attend community college. To stay at home and save some money so that you guys could buy your own place sooner rather than later. To stay close to him. 

"Don't wanna feel another touch; don't want to start another fire. Don't wanna know another kiss; no other name falling off my lips. Don't wanna give my heart away to another stranger. Or let another day begin; won't even let the sunlight in. No, I'll never love again."

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