Jim Hopper X Reader - She's The One

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song She's The One by Robbie Williams. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Jim had been in love with you from the very moment you had started at the station. The second he had walked through the door and you were pressing a coffee cup into his hand, uttering a soft little 'morning chief' before going back to your desk, he had been totally infatuated. You were, possibly, the prettiest person who had ever walked into the building, and it was only added to by your sweet nature. 

It had taken a couple of months of your subtle little interactions for him to even speak to you properly, propping himself up against your desk and asking how your weekend had been, only for you to give him a step-by-step rundown of the tasks you'd completed. You'd only moved to Hawkins a couple of weeks before starting work there, and you'd been decorating during your free time, but it was taking a little longer than you'd been expecting, and a hell of a lot more expensive. 

"I had this guy come in to put up some shelves in the hallway and I know it probably makes me sound green as grass, but I didn't realise how expensive putting a couple of nails in the wall would be," you hummed, cradling your mug in both hands. "So, I've put that job to the bottom of the list until I can save up a little extra cash-"

"You want me to take a look at it for you?" 

Your brow furrowed slightly. "Are you a handyman in your free time?"

Hopper hesitated for a moment. "I'm pretty good at the DIY stuff," he explained. "Did all the work on my place by myself. I can do it for you for a hell of a lot cheaper. Probably completely free if you already bought the shelves."

"I don't want to start taking liberties, Jim-"

"Who said anything about liberties? You didn't even ask; I offered."

You let out a soft sigh. "You sure?"


"God, you're a lifesaver, you know that?" you hummed, offering him your sweetest smile. 

He'd shown up at your place that weekend with a toolbox and the biggest knot in his stomach. It had been a nice idea when he'd first thought of it, but now he was getting anxious. He didn't want you to feel like you owed him anything. He definitely didn't want you to think he was only helping out to try and get in your pants. 

And then, you had swung the door open with a bright smile and the anxiety had faded. 

"Hey Mr Fix-it," you started with a soft chuckle, holding the door open for him to come inside. "Please excuse the mess," you pressed on. "I was stripping the wallpaper in the living room last night and time got away from me."

"You think this is messy?" he teased, glancing through the doorway into the living room to find the floor littered with discarded wallpaper. "You should see the state of my place," he murmured, glancing back at you when you snorted with laughter. 

"Well, my mom always told me that us ladies have gotta be houseproud. You wouldn't find a speck of dust or a morsel of dirt in her home, even if you tried." You paused for a moment. "Let me get you a drink whilst you get set up. Is iced tea alright?"

He nodded, placing his toolbox down as delicately as he could manage. The last thing he wanted was to mess your place up, not when he knew how much pride you took in having it. 

"This your first place?" he called out to you, hearing you rustling around in the kitchen. 

"Yeah," you murmured back, reappearing with a glass in each hand. "Thought it was about time that I got out of my parent's place and got somewhere that was actually mine, you know?" You paused for a moment, letting out a soft sigh as you handed him his drink. "And then I realised that owning somewhere is a lot of hard work. Christ, my hot water stopped working last week and I had to call my dad to talk me through how to fix the boiler."

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