Eddie Munson X Reader - Fill My Little World

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Fill My Little World by The Feeling. Mike is a total douche in this chapter because I can't fathom making Dustin or Lucas the bad guy. I hope you all enjoy it.

Eddie was practically wrapped around your shoulders as you ate your lunch, spearing a fry on your fork to lift it up to him after every couple of bites that you took. He did this a lot, just clung to you like a little kid, and you had never once had a reason to complain. You liked the warmth of him pressed against your back. You liked having him so close all the time. You thought that it was cute that he wanted to be so close to you. 

"Baby," you hummed softly. "I've got to get to Ms Danson's class early to talk about my extra credit project," you pressed on, twisting around in your seat to look up at him. "Finish my lunch for me?"

Eddie grinned down at you, catching your lips with his. "Anything for you, pretty girl," he murmured against your lips, letting you rise up to your feet, still in his grasp. "Just one more minute, though, Angel," he hummed, pulling you closer against him, his arm tightening around you.

"I've got to go," you whined.

"Just one second, Baby," he pleaded softly, craning his neck to kiss you again. "One more kiss for me, Sweetheart."

You gave in, pecking his lips one last time. "If she tells me off for being late, I'm telling her you were holding me hostage," you murmured, grabbing your bag from the floor as he finally released you. "See you later, Handsome," you told him, sending him a sweet smile before hurrying out of the Cafeteria. 

"Jesus," Mike grumbled, shuffling in his seat as he continued to pick at his own lunch. "Think you were about to smother the poor girl if she didn't make her hasty escape," he added, letting out a sharp chuckle.

Eddie's brow furrowed as he slumped down into the seat you'd been occupying. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, you were practically climbing all over her. Just didn't think you'd be the clingy type."

"She's my girlfriend-"

"Could've fooled me. It looked like you were trying to suffocate her," Mike interrupted, snorting with laughter.

Eddie frowned slightly. "You really think I'm being too clingy?"

Dustin shook his head, moving to speak. 

"I'm just saying; she looked like she was in a real hurry to get out of here," Mike pressed on, cutting Dustin off before he could say a word. "It's probably just too intense for her, or something. I know I wouldn't want El hanging off of me all the time-"

"Shut up, Man," Dustin finally interrupted, nudging him lightly. 

"I'm just saying-"

"Well, just stop saying."

Eddie hated to admit it, but Mike's comments had gotten to him. He'd never really considered how other people might see your relationship, never stopped to think about it from an outside perspective. And now, he was realising that maybe he'd never actually thought about it from your position either. He did tend to drape himself all over you whenever he got the chance, but he just liked having you close, and he thought that you liked it too. 

But now, he wasn't so sure. What if you hated it? What if you did feel suffocated or smothered and you didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling him? 

It wasn't until the end of the school day that he got to see you again, leaning against the side of his van and waiting for him. You looked so pretty, basking in the sunlight and smiling as you watched him approach, and in any other situation, he would've been all over you without hesitation. I mean, it was practically your own little tradition to have a make out session next to the van before he drove you home.

This time, however, your smile dropped when he moved straight past you and pulled the door open to climb into the van, leaving you standing in the car park, completely baffled. 

"Bad day?" you murmured, sidling up to the wound-down window with a soft smile. 

"It was fine," he hummed, glancing down at you for only a second before turning his attention back to the windshield. "You getting in?"

You cleared your throat slightly, nodding your answer before moving around to the passenger side and climbing into your seat. Hell, you couldn't remember the last time you'd had to open the door for yourself. Eddie prided himself on being a gentleman, and that involved helping you in and out of the van, even though, deep down, you both knew that it was more about getting to keep his hands on you for longer than it was his gentlemanly nature. 

"Did I do something to upset you?" you finally murmured, as he pulled out onto the street. 


"Then what's wrong?"

Eddie's hands tightened on the steering wheel. You sounded so damn upset, practically heartbroken, and he knew that if he looked in your direction he would see the most achingly sad expression painting your pretty features. "Nothing's wrong," he muttered. 

"You didn't kiss me hello," you murmured, still watching him carefully. "You always kiss me hello," you pressed on.

"I just didn't. It's not a big deal-"

"It's a big deal to me," you interrupted. "I like it when you kiss me after school; it gives me something to look forward to in last period."

Eddie's lips twitched into a small smile at your comment, so innocent and sweet. "Well, then I'll make sure to do it from now on. Didn't realise," he told you, finally risking a glance in your direction to find you still frowning. 

"Eddie, why are you being so weird?" You paused for a moment when he didn't answer. "Normally, you can barely get through a sentence without using some cheesy pet name, and you've not called me one," you pressed on. "And you can barely ever keep your hands to yourself but you haven't even tried to touch me yet-"

"Can you please just drop it?"

"No, I can't," you bit out. "You're being weird and I don't like it. I want my Eddie, please, not this practical stranger." You let out a soft sigh, shaking your head. "I want my sweet, affectionate Eddie," you added quietly.

"I just-" he breathed out, finally pulling into the trailer park, even though it hadn't been his initial destination. He couldn't drop you home if you were mad at him. He couldn't fathom spending a whole night alone knowing that you were upset and he wasn't there to make it up to you. "It's stupid."

You shrugged slightly. "So's half the stuff I say, but that doesn't stop you from listening to me, does it?"

Eddie let out a soft sigh. "Mike was saying that he thinks I'm being too clingy. He thinks that I'm suffocating you, or something-"

A soft snort of laughter slipped out of you. "Why would you give a single shit about what that little dweeb thinks?"

"Because I thought that maybe he was right," he murmured, watching as your expression softened. "I'm always all over you and I thought that maybe I was being a little bit too much-"

"You are never going to be too much for me, Baby. I love you. And I adore how clingy you can be. It's cute." You paused for a moment, studying him. He didn't look totally convinced. "It makes me feel safe to have you holding me all the time. Makes me feel loved when you can't keep your hands off of me. You make me feel loved and Mike Wheeler doesn't get to decide whether It's too much for me or not, alright?"

"Alright," he murmured, letting out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry for not kissing you hello, Beautiful," he added softly, lifting his hand to rest on your knee. 

You chuckled, shifting across the front seat to pull him into a quick kiss. "I'm going to forgive you this time, but you'd better not forget again," you teased, keeping him as close to you as you could get him. "I love you, idiot," you added.

"Love you too, Baby," he hummed out, wrapping you up in his arms and pressing a kiss to the side of your head. 

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