Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley X Platonic!Hopper!Reader - Sister

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Sister by K.Flay. It's just very platonic and fluffy. Reader is Hopper's daughter, but that's not actually all that important to the story. I hope you all enjoy it. 

If you had been asked, when you'd first started High School, to name the most unlikely trio of friends, you probably would have named the three of you without hesitation. Nancy was one of the preppiest people you had ever met. Robin was a total band nerd. And you were perfectly content with being the freak on the sidelines. You didn't go to pep rallies. You didn't go drinking and partying with the other kids in your class, hell, you weren't even invited. 

But then, by some act of fate, you'd been brought together. It had been a total accident. Your dad had unwittingly gotten you involved in some giant conspiracy theory and you'd been forced into interaction with Nancy and Steve. And then a couple of years later, after they had already broken up and you and Nancy had gotten pretty close, Steve had introduced you to Robin. And the perfect trio had formed without any real effort. 

Nancy was the brains; she always had been. She was the organiser. The one that kept you all on track at school. She forced you into study sessions and made sure your assignments were all completed and handed in on time. She always had a plan that was completely foolproof. 

You were the sarcastic, funny one. You always had some stupid joke to crack; some smart-ass comment to send them both into fits of laughter. Sure, sometimes the teasing could come across as a little mean to the people who didn't know you, but deep down, you thrived on being able to bring so much joy to your friends through some dumb joke.

Robin was a total wild card. Some days she would be the most gentle, caring person in the world, giving you the pep talk you needed to make it through the day. The next, she would be a total demon, telling you to stop being a baby when you were complaining about some guy that didn't like you back. 

And between you, you probably made one functioning person, which was all any of you could ever really ask for. 

You were stretched out across Nancy's bed whilst Robin grumbled about how homework on the weekend should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. Nancy, on the other hand, was pointing out that if Robin had done the work after school on Friday as she had suggested, they wouldn't be in this position on a Saturday night. 

"Come on," Nancy pressed on, digging around in her closet in search of something in particular. "Ashley Dubanowski's parents are out of town and she's throwing a party-"

You cut her off with a sharp groan. "A house party? Really?"

Nancy shot you a playful glare. "She invited us and I already told her we would all be going, so suck it up."

"Fine," you breathed out, sitting up to look at her properly. "But I'm wearing this," you added, gesturing to the sweatpants and oversized fleecy sweater combo that you'd donned to come for a relaxing evening with your two best friends. 

"Nope," Nancy corrected, finally dragging out a dress from the closet. "You're wearing this," she added, sending you her sweetest smile. 

"God, it's like having a controlling boyfriend but without all the fun benefits," you teased, shifting off of the bed to take the dress from her. "I hate you so much," you added, watching as she wrinkled her nose at you, still grinning.

"You love me," she corrected. "Now, go and get dressed," she added, shoving you towards the other side of the room as she pulled out another dress for Robin. 

*Time Skip*

Getting to the party had taken a little longer than Nancy had been expecting. It had been a hell of a lot of coaxing and even more direct threats to get Robin to conform, even though you all knew deep down she was always going to do anything Nancy asked of her. God, you would all have done anything for one another, even if you were sometimes a little reluctant.

Nancy had gotten caught up in conversation with one of the girls from her Math class the second you'd walked through the door. And Robin, ever curious, had gone wandering off to look around the house before you'd even realised she was gone. 

You headed over to the drinks table, grabbing yourself a cup of some indistinct punch and taking a tentative sip. 

"Who the hell invited you?" a voice muttered, drawing your attention up to find one of the basketball team boys glaring at you. Your brow furrowed slightly, unsure of what was actually happening. "God, are you deaf or something? Who invited you, freak?" 

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, mouth opening and closing as you tried to find an answer. "I'm with my friends-"

"I invited Y/N," another voice started, and you felt Nancy's hand land on your back, comforting you just enough for you to loosen the anxious knot forming in your stomach. "Have you got a problem with that?"

The guy looked a little put out by Nancy's interruption, his tongue running over his teeth. "If you keep inviting freaks like her to stuff, people will start thinking you're friends with them or something."

"We are friends," Nancy corrected. "Y/N's basically my sister and I don't think you should be-"

"Nance, it's fine," you breathed out, taking her hand in yours and giving it a quick squeeze. "Just leave it," you added softly. 

She let out a disgruntled huff, allowing you to pull her away from the guy with little resistance. "I should kill him for talking to you like that," she murmured, shaking her head.

"It's fine-"

"No, it isn't," she bit back. "No one should talk about you like that. They don't even know you," she finally uttered. "You're so incredible and they just don't care. It's not fair." 

Robin had come bounding over to you at that point, looking relieved to have found you amongst the crowd until she saw the way Nancy was frowning. "What happened?"


"Harvey Malcolm happened," Nancy interjected before you could brush off the interaction as if it hadn't happened. "He was being a total douche to Y/N."

Robin frowned, her jaw tight as she glanced over to where he was standing. "You know, we could totally kill him and hide the body, and no one would ever know?" she murmured. "I mean, if anyone in Hawkins could get away with murder it would be us," she pressed on, watching you roll your eyes.

"It wasn't a big deal," you told them, shaking your head. "Just let it go."

"No one speaks to our sister like that," Nancy bit again, clearly put out by the attitude you were holding onto. "If it was one of us he was treating like that, you'd hit him in his dumb fucking face without a second thought," she pressed on. 

"Yeah, and you'd be pissed off at me for getting myself in trouble, Nance. Just drop it."

She sighed, her tongue running over her teeth. "Fine," she finally muttered. "But if he comes anywhere near you, I'm going to make him regret it."

"I'll hold his arms whilst you beat the shit out of him?" Robin interjected with a bright smile and even though you were a little frustrated by the conversation, you couldn't help but smile with her. 

No matter what situation you were in, your sisters were going to have your back. And you were going to have there's. Always.

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