Billy Hargrove X Reader - Believin'

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Don't Stop Believin' by Journey. I hope you all enjoy it.

The diner had been practically empty when you'd walked in, hair limp from the storm roaring outside and clothes soaked through and clinging to your body. It had been the only place left open so late at night, thank God for 24-hour service, and you'd made a beeline for the building the second you had seen the glowing neon sign from outside the train station. 

It had been just your luck that the one night you were supposed to be heading out of this shitty little town was the same night that every train in Indiana was cancelled due to 'extreme weather conditions.' The old man at the station had been positively buzzing when he'd told you the odds of that happening. According to him, the trains had been running to schedule every day, the last known cancellation being during the Second World War, but you weren't sure you believed him. 

He'd made some grand prediction that everything would be up and running again by the time the sun was coming up, too. And though you weren't so certain, the idea of having to head home and face your parents seemed less enticing that just waiting out the storm somewhere with food and coffee. 

You'd taken a spot near the window, intermittently watching the hectic weather as you flicked through the menu. You'd still been making a selection when the door had opened again, ringing the little bell hanging above it and drawing your eye. 

Billy had been in your classes at school, hell, he'd been one of the most recognizable people in the entire place, and you couldn't help but let your attention linger on him for a second as he shook water droplets out of his hair. 

He'd spotted you a second before you could look away, his eyes catching yours and a cocky little smirk pulling at his lips. And then, suddenly, your menu had become the most interesting thing on the planet, keeping your focus almost too well. 

"You were in Mr Gregory's Math class last year, right?" Your head shot up, the menu fumbling out of your fingers and onto the table as you realised that he'd shuffled himself into the seat opposite you, leaning back comfortably against the booth's plush seats. "You used to sit right up front? Always got good grades-"

You finally nodded, offering up a small, awkward smile. "That's me," you confirmed. 

"I knew it," he chuckled, sliding the menu away from you and turning it to look over the options. "What're you getting?"

You blinked in confusion, brow furrowing slightly. "I-" you paused. "I don't know."

He glanced up at you through his lashes, flashing you a quick smile. "The pancakes are pretty good here," he hummed, tapping on one of the menu items. "But I'd steer clear of the soup of the day. Don't tell Brenda I told you this-" he pressed on, leaning a little closer across the table. "But it's basically just salted water."

"I'll bear that in mind," you murmured, still confused as he waved the older waitress over to the table. 

"Hey Billy," she started, flashing him a sweet smile. "What can I get ya' started with, Sweetheart?"

"I'll take the chocolate chip pancakes and-" he paused for a moment, lips pulled into a slight pout as he scanned the menus. "An iced tea, please, Brenda." 

"Course you can," she chirped, jotting down the order on her little paper pad. "And you, Darlin'?"

You hesitated for a moment, looking completely lost, your mouth opening and closing as you searched for an answer. "I'll have the same, please," you finally uttered, catching Billy's smug little grin from the corner of your eye. 

"Alright, coming right up," Brenda told you, patting Billy on the shoulder before making her way back to the kitchen. 

"So," Billy started, leaning his elbows on the table and smiling over at you. "I've never seen you in here before," he murmured, eyes roaming over your face.

"I've never been in before," you confessed with a little shrug.

"And what brought you in tonight?"

You opened your mouth to speak and then caught yourself. Billy had a reputation and he had never been the nicest person when you were at school, but here you were, ready to spill your guts to him. "Didn't want to be out in the storm."

"Don't you live on the other side of Hawkins?"

"What are you, some sort of cop?" you bit out, watching as he snorted with laughter. 

He held up his hands in surrender. "Just curious. Always thought you were the home by 9; asleep by 10 sorts of girl. Not so much the all-night diner at 2 AM types."

"My train got cancelled. Thought it would be easier to just come here than to trek all the way home. Cheaper than a cab, too."

He nodded slightly. "Where were you going?" This time he could see that he'd pushed too far. Your entire body tensed up as you shuffled around in the booth, fiddling with the hem of your skirt. "Maybe I should be a cop, huh? Always so full of questions," he teased, watching as your eyes flickered up to meet his. 

"You get yourself in too much trouble to be a cop." 

"Oh yeah?" he murmured, a smirk pulling at his lips. 

"Yeah, I think they'd have a hard time with you fighting all the time."

It was Billy's turn to freeze. "I'm not always fighting," he uttered, and your expression softened.

"I didn't mean anything by it-"

"I'm not," he paused again. "I'm not the kind of guy that goes out looking for a fight." You stayed quiet for a moment, looking so damn sheepish that Billy felt a little guilty for saying anything. "Can I tell you a secret?" You nodded, swallowing deeply. "I come here when my Dad's being a dick. At this point, it's practically a second home-" he paused for a moment, watching as you frowned at him. 

"So, you're Dad's a dick too?" 

"Yeah, he's a nightmare-" his words trailed off. "Too?"

You shrugged. "Mine's pretty shitty," you breathed out. "He thinks that, because I didn't go to college, I'm a waste of space. Pretty vocal about it too."

"Is that why you were hopping on a train out of this place?"

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip and you nodded. "I'm headed for Indianapolis and then I'm going to figure out how far I can get from here without going completely broke." 

"Sounds like a good plan," he murmured, offering you a soft smile. "Mind if I join you?"

You let out a sharp snort of laughter, only stopping when you saw that he wasn't laughing at all. "What?"

He shrugged slightly. "You really want to go alone?"

"No, but-"

"I've got some money saved up. I've got a car-"

"This is ridiculous," you muttered, pausing midconversation when Brenda appeared with your order. She exchanged pleasantries for a moment before retreating back to the kitchen, leaving you staring at Billy in disbelief. "You don't even know me-"

He shrugged again. "What better way to get to know someone than on a road trip?"

"You've got a job-"

"As a lifeguard. I can do that anywhere." You lifted your hand to your mouth, biting at the skin of your thumb, looking completely flustered. "I get it if you don't want to. I just thought it'd be nice to have some company on your travels. And cars are far more reliable than trains."

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, nodding. "Okay." 


You nodded again. "But we have to leave tonight before my parents realise I'm not home."

"Alright. I'll pack a bag."

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