Eddie Munson X Reader - The Way

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A/N - I listened to the song The Way by Ariana Grande and Mac Miller whilst writing this chapter (even though it was less inspirational and more mind-numbing after the first couple of play-throughs). This one is set during Eddie's second senior year and Reader's first senior year (basically, just before the kids start High School). I hope you all enjoy it.

"So this little kid is sitting in front of the Tv whilst it's doing its static thing, right?" Eddie was telling you, enjoying how incredibly entranced you were in his retelling of the movie he'd watched the night before. "And this creepy white ghost hand starts reaching out. And then there's this earthquake. And, I mean, the kid is adorable, but she just goes They're here in the creepiest little girl voice possible and-"

"Man, can you quit ranting on about that dumb movie? We want to talk about our ideas for the campaign."

You looked completely deflated as you glanced over at the other Hellfire kids, letting out a soft sigh. Seemed like your story time was done for the day.

"I've not even got to the best bit yet," Eddie muttered, shooting a frustrated glare at Jeff. "Nothing scary had even happened at this point-"

"Wait, that wasn't the scary bit?" you murmured, your head poking up to look at him with wide eyes.

Eddie bit back a laugh. "Princess, we're not even close to the scary part yet."

"Oh," you hummed, looking a little flustered. "I thought the ghost hand would be the worst part."

"You're kidding, right?" When you didn't laugh at his comment, Eddie's brow furrowed. "What sort of scary movies have you been watching, if you think that's the scary part?"

You shrugged slightly, trying to skirt past his question, but Eddie's attention only seemed to focus on you. He shifted forward, catching your eyes with his. 

"What's your favourite scary movie, Princess?" 

There was a moment of hesitation. "I saw one of those Planet of the Ape films that came out in the 70s and those were really creepy," you started, attempting to feign confidence. 

Eddie was biting down on his bottom lip to keep himself from grinning at you. "Princess, those aren't horror movies. They're not even scary."

"My mom doesn't like me watching horror movies. She won't even let me bring them into the house," you murmured. 

His brow furrowed slightly. "So you've never watched a scary movie?" He paused, watching you shake your head. "Halloween? The Exorcist? Texas Chainsaw Massacre? The Omen? Nightmare on Elm Street?" You shook your head again and he looked so confused that it almost made you snort with laughter. "Not even The Gremlins? The Gremlins aren't even that scary; Gizmo's cute as hell."

"I'm not allowed, Eddie. My mom would freak if she found out I'd brought a horror movie into the house," you hummed. "Besides, why would I ever watch them when I can just listen to you tell me the stories? They're way more enjoyable that way."

A small smile pulled at his lips at your comment, but he quickly shook his head. "You've got to watch at least one horror film, Princess. What are you doing tonight?" You shrugged slightly. "Well, it's a Friday night, so you can come over, right?"

"I guess-"

"One horror film. I'll choose you a good one, I promise," he uttered, holding his outstretched pinky in your direction and grinning when you linked yours with it. 

*Time Skip*

Eddie had been good enough to pick you up and drive you over to his trailer that night, rambling on about how he'd picked out one of the best horror movies ever made for you to enjoy. And sure, part of you had been nervous beyond belief, but at the same time, you were going over to Eddie's place to watch a movie. 

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