Eddie Munson X Reader - Head Over Feet

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Head Over Feet by Alanis Morissette. It's a little short, but I hope you all enjoy it. 

It had all started out with a pebble. Perfectly smooth and round, and so tiny that it was genuinely impressive that Eddie had even seen it on the leaf-covered ground of the woods in the first place. He'd pressed it into your palm with the sweetest smile you had ever seen, looking so damn proud of himself that it made your heart swell. And honestly, you'd been so distracted by the thing in your hand that you hadn't thought to ask any questions. But you'd kept it safe, tight within your grip until you got home and could stash it away in your jewellery box, presided over and protected by a little porcelain ballet dancer. 

You hadn't really thought much of it until a week or so later when he'd revealed a small white feather to you with a flourish, sitting in the warmth of the van in the school car park. It was pristine, without a single barb missing, and so pretty that it had caught you off guard for a moment. You ran a finger over the edge, smiling to yourself. It had joined the pebble that night, safe and sound. 

Another week passed, and he'd offered up a leaf, completely intact. It was pretty, too. Right on the edge of changing colour as the fall started to creep in. You'd taken it delicately, eyes running over the veins and smiling softly. 

"This is cute," you hummed, glancing up at him with the most gentle expression on your features. You'd always had this softness about you, especially when you were looking at him, and he couldn't help but fall in love with you. The second you had expressed an interest, your sweetness seeped out of you and into him, and you'd won him over in spite of himself. 

"It made me think of you," he uttered, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip as he shifted in the driver's seat, still parked up at the far edge of the school lot. You'd made the suggestion yourself. A couple of times a week, you'd bring your lunch out to the van and sit together whilst you ate. You'd called it a little mid-day date and all hesitance had left him in a second. 

You were biting down on your lip as you watched him. "I love it," you confirmed, placing it down as carefully as possible on the dashboard before rummaging in your purse for a moment, and coming back with your wallet. You opened it up, finding an empty pocket and tucking the leaf away safely. "I'll put it with the others when I get home," you told him, watching as his head tipped to the side slightly. 


Your brow furrowed slightly. "I'll put it with the others-"

"You kept those?" 

You let out a light chuckle, grinning at him. "Of course I did. You gave them to me; I wasn't going to just throw them away, was I?"

Eddie swallowed down the lump in his throat. You kept them. You saw value in the things he was giving you, even though they were essentially just trash. "Where do you keep them?"

You hesitated for a moment. "I've got this old jewellery box from when I was a kid," you answered softly. "I keep all the most important stuff in there." 

"The most important stuff," he repeated back to you, watching as you nodded. "A rock, a feather, and a leaf are some of your most important stuff." 

You shrugged slightly. "Yeah," you murmured. "You're important to me, so-"

"But it's just stuff," he interrupted, looking so baffled that you had to stifle a giggle. "It's not like I got you something expensive."

You took his hand in yours, squeezing. "I think they're more important than any stupid, expensive gift. You saw these and you thought about me and how much I'd like them, so you brought them back to me. That's so sweet."

He let out a soft sigh, shifting a little closer to you. "God, you are way too good for me," he grumbled, drawing you into a kiss as you giggled at his comment. 

"No," you squealed, pulling away. "Don't say that," you pressed on as he pressed kisses to your cheeks,  shuffling further along the front bench to get closer to you, revelling in your little shrieks of laughter. 

"My perfect girlfriend who cherishes the stupidest fucking gifts-"

"They aren't stupid," you corrected, finally managing to capture his cheeks, holding him in place so that he would look at you properly. "They aren't," you repeated softly, eyes all sweet and pleading as you stared up at him. "And I love them, so you better not stop bringing them for me."

He was grinning as he leaned in again, kissing you gently. "I love you," he hummed against your lips.

"I love you too." 

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