Steve Harrington X Reader - It's Raining Men

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A/N - This chapter isn't really that inspired by anything, other than the fact that I'm incapable of being serious in ANY situation. Plus, there's a tiny It's Raining Men by The Weather Girls reference thrown in for good measure because this song is iconic and so 80s that it hurts. I actually kind of hated how this one turned out, but I hope that you all enjoy it anyway. 

You had been more than happy to wait on the shore with the kids when the others had gone out on Lover's Lake to look for the new gate. Or at least, you had been until the police had come routing through the woods and caught you all lingering out past curfew. 

The questioning had gone a little awry somewhere, and you'd been ushered off into a side room with the Sheriff and Officer Calahan. 

"You know," you told Sheriff Powell, sitting forward in your seat a little. "You aren't allowed to question me without a Lawyer present. Isn't that like, the first thing they teach you in the police academy?" You paused for a moment, watching them glance at each other. "And according to my Miranda rights, I don't actually have to answer any of your questions, right? I can just 'no comment' my way through this whole thing?" 

Sheriff Powell let out a heavy sigh. "We've had a long day, would you just do us a favour and-"

"You've had a long day?" you let out a sharp bite of laughter. "I've been working all day and then I finally get some time to hang out with my friends and you come along and shove me in the back of a cop car. You drive me to a house that I don't know full of people that I don't know. And through all of that, you don't even call my parents or offer me the right to a lawyer. It's no wonder crimes go unsolved in this town-"

"You little-"

Sheriff Powell lifted his hand, silencing Calahan before he could insult you. "Let's just work together here and we'll get you home as soon as possible, alright?"

"I would help you, but I have a feeling you aren't going to ask me the right questions," you murmured. 

"What were you doing at Lover's Lake?"

"You already asked me that and I already answered you." You let out a sharp sigh. "We were going swimming."

"In the middle of the night?"

You shrugged slightly. "You've never been swimming at night before?"

Powell rubbed at his temple, clearly frustrated with your attitude. "And who was with you?"

"It was just me, Dustin, Lucas, and Max. We went for a hike in the woods and then ended up at the lake. And then you guys showed up." You shook your head slightly. "I've already told you all of this. You're wasting my time."

"We've got that in common then, haven't we?" Calahan bit out. "Because you've been wasting our time since we first found you out in the woods, and wasting police time in a punishable offence, little lady."

You raised an eyebrow at him, letting out a snort of laughter. "That applies to fake 911 calls, not to people not answering your questions. Jesus, how did you even graduate from the academy?" Calahan was glaring at you, unable to find an answer to your question. "I'm doing my bachelors," you explained. "I'm training to be a lawyer," you added with a cocky smile. "So, either get me my council or let me go."

Powell let out another frustrated sigh, sitting back in his seat. "Go," he murmured, shaking his head when you shot him your sweetest smile. 

"Good luck, Sheriff."

You'd hurried straight upstairs to the kids when you'd left the makeshift interrogation room, pressing the door shut behind you. 

"They're in the Upside-down," Dustin informed you quickly. "We've got to get to Eddie's and meet them there."

You blinked for a moment, a little confused by the new information. "My car is still over near Lover's Lake-"

"We'll take the bikes. We've got it all planned."

*Time Skip*

The plan had gone pretty flawlessly, and the second you'd gotten a good look at Steve on the other side of the gate, the anxiety had lifted from the pit of your stomach ever so slightly. He was alive, that was all that mattered. 

"Hey Handsome," you hummed. "What happened to your shirt?"

He bit back a smile as he watched the kids drag the mattress over, creating a landing pad for them. "I lost it," he murmured, his smile fighting its way to the surface when he heard you snort with laughter. 

Robin had come falling through first, landing with a thud on the mattress, and you quickly pulled her to her feet. And then came Eddie, grinning like a madman as he scrambled up from the floor, laughing to himself. 

As Steve came through, Robin let out a soft chuckle, and your brow furrowed at her in confusion. 

"It's raining men," she hummed out with a shrug, not quite in the tune of the song.

"Hallelujah," you yelped back, before letting out a bubble of laughter. "Sorry," you pressed on when Dustin shot you a horrified look. "Robin started it," you added, biting down on your bottom lip to keep the laughter in. 

Steve landed in front of you, easing himself back up onto his feet with a groan. "Hello Princess," he murmured, staggering out of the way with you as you all waited for Nancy to come through. 

"Jesus," you murmured, your fingers running over the makeshift bandages on his stomach. "What happened here?"

"Bats. They've got Demobats in there now-"

You nodded slightly. "But you're alright, right? You're not going to drop dead on me, or start foaming at the mouth, or-"

He quickly pressed a kiss to your lips, stopping you from saying anything else. "I'm fine," he muttered against your lips, his nose nudging yours. 

"I'm pretty sure the majority of Hawkins PD are going to hate me now, just so you know," you hummed, pulling back to look in his eyes with an apologetic smile. "The Sheriff definitely isn't my biggest fan; so, try not to get yourself into too much trouble from now on, because I doubt they'd come out if I called," you pressed on, listening to him snort. 

"What'd you do?"

You shrugged slightly. "Nothing. Just wasn't cooperating like they wanted," you told him. "And I might have gently implied that they all need to be retrained-"

Steve kissed you again. "You are the trouble, you know that?" he teased. 

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