Steve Harrington X Reader - Tiny Dancer

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A/N - Jesus Christ, how have I already posted 50 of these chapters? I need to get a hobby! This chapter is based on the song Tiny Dancer by Elton John. This one is set after season 4, but the Party won, so Eddie never got eaten by bats and Hawkins isn't being torn apart by some weird portal into the Upside-Down. Everything is entirely hunky-dory! I hope you all enjoy it.

When Eddie had first invited Steve and the other older party members to come and watch the band on some random Friday night, he had been reluctant. Steve had never really been much of a fan of metal music, especially not metal music being played in some shitty run-down bar, but Robin had insisted that supporting their newest friend was a must. Eddie just wanted to fit in. He wanted to show the group what he was passionate about. He wanted them there because he cared about them.

So, they'd all rocked up to the Hideaway with Robin and Nancy practically dragging Steve through the door. The place was twice as bad as he had imagined too. It was dark and dingy and it stank like damp and stale beer. He dreaded thinking about how long it had been since it had actually been cleaned. 

And then, he had seen you, sitting at the bar and watching them. You got to your feet quickly, skipping over to the group with a bright smile. 

"Hi," you greeted, so happy and light that Steve almost forgot about the pig-stye they were standing in. Almost. "You guys must be Eddie's friends. He told me to keep an eye out for you; make sure you're comfortable," you told them, still grinning between the group. "I'm Y/N," you pressed on when none of them answered. 

"Hi," Robin finally started, clearly as fixated on you as Steve was. "Robin," she added, holding out a hand for you to shake only for you to use it to pull her into a tight hug. 

"I don't do handshakes," you chuckled as you released her. "Far too formal for my liking."

Robin was beaming from ear to ear as she nodded her agreement. "This is Nancy. And her boyfriend, Jonathan. And this is Steve," she told you, pointing around the little group as she went.

"Well, it's lovely to meet all of you. The band'll be coming on stage in a couple of minutes, so I'd get your drinks in now if I were you-" 

Steve couldn't help but feel a little deflated that your hugging hadn't gone the whole way around with the introductions. He was certain you gave amazing hugs, too. 

"I've got a table up the front," you pressed on. "Wanted you guys to get a good spot for your first ever Corroded Coffin gig."

*Time Skip*

Steve knew that he should be watching the band. He knew that his focus should be on Eddie and his outrageous dancing whilst he played. But his eyes couldn't help but stray back to you. You were having the time of your life, bopping along to the music and beaming up at the stage, the words falling softly from your lips. God, you were so in your element, it was insanity, and you looked stunning doing it too. 

He couldn't help but wonder how he'd never met you before now. Eddie had introduced his friends to the band before. He'd talked about them non-stop, but you had never even got a look in. 

It wasn't until they were coming off of the stage and joining the rest of the group at the table that everything had started making sense. You were Gareth's older sister. You'd lived out with an aunt and finished up highschool there whilst the rest of your family had moved to Hawkins. And now that you'd graduated, you'd moved back in, happily going to every single gig they played and supporting your baby brother through it all. 

Eddie had been quick to notice the staring whilst you were making conversation with Nancy, and a smirk had pulled at his features as he sidled up beside his friend. "She's cute, right?"

Steve jumped slightly, suddenly noticing Eddie's presence at his elbow. "Who?"

"Y/N," Eddie uttered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, because in all honesty, it was. You were cute. Damn, you were one of the most beautiful women that had ever passed through Hawkins. And it definitely obvious that Steve had noticed too. "She's sweet, too," he pressed on. "A really nice girl."

Steve hesitated for a moment. "Is she your girl or something?"

"God no," Eddie snorted. "Gareth would flip his shit-"

"Is she anyone's girl?" 

A real belly laugh slipped from Eddie's lips as he clapped Steve on the back. "Not at the moment, she isn't. She won't stay single for long though, so I'd make a move quick if I were you."

"I didn't mean-"

"Don't bullshit me, Man. She's hot. You're hot. Make the move," he uttered. 

Steve let out a soft sigh. "You think she'd be interested?"

"She's been looking over here a lot," Eddie hummed, offering up a sweet smile and giving you a little thumbs up when he caught your eyes wandering over to the two of them again. "She's looking right now," he added, chuckling when Steve's head shot over to look at you, watching your eyes widen in horror at being caught staring. "See."

*Time Skip*

Steve had been kicking himself all night for not getting up the courage to talk to you properly. He'd been lingering on the fringes of the conversations, looking for a way in, and when he finally went to start talking, you'd announced that you had to head out or that you'd end up missing Gareth's curfew. 

It was shitty timing and it had driven him insane thinking about it all night, and now, sitting at the front desk at work, he was equally frustrated with his decisions. He'd been moping around all morning, watching as Robin got to work. 

"Hey." Steve's head shot up from the computer screen, fixing on you immediately. For a second, he wondered whether he'd fallen asleep and this was a dream, some hyperrealistic halucination come to life. And then you'd smiled and the thought had disappeared. There was no way that anything could recreate the beauty of that smile; this had to be real. "Eddie told me I'd find you here today," you pressed on. 

"Every Saturday," he confirmed, a smile of his own spreading across his features. "And almost every other day, for that matter."

You chuckled at the comment. "He said I should come and talk to you," you pressed on. "Said that you took quite the shining to me," you added.

"Fucking Eddie," he breathed out softly.

"If he's wrong, you can just say," you told him. "I know he can be a little overzealous with this sort of thing-"

"No," he interrupted quickly. "No, he's not wrong. I just wanted to tell you myself, you know?"

You nodded slightly. "Well, you can tell me now, if you'd like? I can pretend Eddie never said a thing. I'm a pretty good actress."

Steve's tongue darted out to wet his lips. "You're stunning," he breathed out, watching you bite down on your bottom lip in an attempt to hold back your smile. "And you have this energy-" he paused for a moment. "It's addictive."


He nodded. "Yeah. And I'd like to take you on a date. Get to know you a little better."

"I am so surprised," you started, placing a hand on your chest. "I never would've guessed that you had a crush on me," you added in an overdramatic voice, drawing a snort of laughter out of him. "A date sounds nice," you finally told him, smiling sweetly across the desk at him. "Eddie gave me your number already."

"You can hang out for a bit, if you want. It's been real quiet all day and Robin is already bored of hanging out with me-"

You glanced at the clock on the wall quickly. "I've got some time to spare," you confirmed. "Give me a tour?"

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