Billy Hargrove X Cunningham!Reader - 2 Be Loved

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song 2 Be Loved (Am I Ready) by Lizzo. Reader is Chrissy's sister in this chapter and Billy isn't the asshole that he is in the show. I hope you all enjoy it. 

"Billy actually seems to like you, you know?" Chrissy hummed, looking all doe-eyed and innocent as she watched you peek out from under your duvet to look at her. "I know he's a little rough around the edges, but-"

"I don't want to date anyone right now," you interrupted, letting out a soft sigh when she frowned slightly. "I like being single. I don't need some guy in my life to make me happy."

Chrissy didn't look completely convinced, offering you a tight-lipped smile. "Yeah, well, he keeps asking about you anyway, so maybe you should just give him a chance." 

"A chance to what? Take me on some shitty date in an attempt to get into my pants?"

"A chance to get to know you and your winning personality," she corrected, raising an eyebrow at you. "Come on, he clearly likes you already, so what's the harm in going out with him sometime?"

You hesitated for a moment. Chrissy knew your dating background better than anyone. Failure after failure had been enough to put you off for a lifetime. And yet, here she was asking you stupid questions like that. 

"Do you really think I'm ready?" you murmured, watching her expression soften slightly. 

"There's not a doubt in my mind," she answered softly, offering you her sweetest smile. "You deserve to fall in love with some cute guy. Why not Billy?" 

Because Billy is cute and he could absolutely destroy your life if you let him. You swallowed down the snarky answer you wanted to throw in her direction, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip as you forced a smile. "Fine," you uttered. "I'll talk to him. But no promises, alright? This means nothing."

*Time Skip*

 "Chrissy said you were looking for me-" 

The voice interrupting your thoughts made you jump, sitting up from your workbook to find Billy smiling down at you, his smirk only growing as you yelped at the sudden intrusion. 

"Jesus Christ, are you trying to kill me?" you bit at him, and he couldn't help but think how pretty you were when you were frustrated. 

"Sorry, Sweetheart, If I'd known that my being here was going to get you so flustered, I would've given you a little more notice."

Your brows raised in disbelief, a scoff slipping out of you before you catch it. "I'm not flustered-"

"You seem pretty flustered to me," he corrected softly, moving to sit opposite you at your cafeteria table. "How can I be of service?" he finally pressed on, seeing your expression morph from frustration to confusion so quickly that it almost gave him whiplash. 


"Chrissy said you were looking for me-"

You let out a disgruntled sigh, shaking your head. "Chrissy has a total of about 3 brain cells. She doesn't always know what she's saying," you murmured.

"I don't know. She seemed pretty sure," he hummed. "Seemed real happy about it too-"

"Like I said, not a clue," you interrupted. You hesitated for a moment before shaking your head. "She thinks you like me," you finally confessed. "So, she's trying to play Cupid."

Billy leant forward slightly, elbows propping on the tabletop as he grinned at you. "Where'd she get that idea, huh?"

"She says you keep asking her about me. You know, when cheer practice and basketball overlap."

His tongue ran over his bottom lip as he watched you. "I've asked her about you a couple of times, sure," he hummed, watching as your eyes suddenly returned to him, wider than they had been before. "Don't act all surprised, Sweetheart. You're hot as hell. You probably have all the guys asking after you-"

"Most of the guys that go here aren't worth talking to," you interrupted, biting down on the inside of your cheek. "Hawkins isn't exactly full to bursting with eligible bachelors, you know?"

"Am I worth talking to?" he asked, watching carefully as your mouth opened and closed, searching for the right answer. 

You finally shrugged. "I'm still here, aren't I?"

"You are."

"Then you must be worth my time."

*Time Skip*

You were lounging in bed a couple of weeks later when your door was flung open revealing a giddy Chrissy, who came bounding in with little care for your privacy. 

"There's someone on the phone for you," she cried out, looking far too pleased with herself for your own comfort. She pointed at the phone beside your bed, still grinning. "Answer it before Dad gets on the line."

You hesitated for a moment before reaching out and answering the phone. 


"Hey, Sweetheart," Billy hummed down the phone, and your eyes widened as you looked up at Chrissy in surprise. 

Sure, you and Billy had been getting on pretty well at school, but you'd sort of assumed that he would get bored of you soon enough. And now, here he was, calling your home phone like he was one of your closest confidants. 

"You getting all flustered again, Sweetheart?" he hummed again and you could practically hear him smirking down the phone. 

"No, I-"

"Is he asking you out?" Chrissy whispered, a little too loudly, causing Billy to snort with laughter on the other end of the line. 

"Get out," you cried out, shoving her towards the edge of the bed until she caved and reluctantly left. "Jesus Christ."

"I mean, I was going to try and lead up to it slowly, save scaring you off, but since she's already mentioned it," Billy murmured. "You know the drive-in over in Bloomington?"

You paused for a moment, your heart stuck in your throat. "I do."

"They're showing Teen Wolf this weekend. I thought maybe we could head over there and check it out," he told you, pausing for a moment. "Together," he added softly. When you didn't answer straight away, he seemed to stew in nervous energy, clearing his throat. "It's just an idea, you know. We don't have to-" 

"I'd love to," you interrupted, forcing down your own nervousness as a small smile pulled at your lips.

Billy let out a low whistle. "Way to make a guy sweat, Sweetheart," he teased, hearing you release a small snort of laughter.  "So, I can pick you up at 6 on Saturday?"

"Sounds great."

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