Eddie Munson X Reader - Checkin' It Out

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Checkin' It Out by Lil' Chris. Reader doesn't go to Hawkins High but is staying in town over the summer, so she and Eddie have never met before this. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You weren't exactly sure how you'd ended up being invited to a house party where you didn't know a single person in attendance. Well, actually, that wasn't exactly true. You'd found the flyer pinned to a notice board at the local pool and made a note of the details, and after begging your cousin to come with you, which she'd immediately disagreed with, you'd decided to just go it alone. 

I mean, what better way to make friends in a town you didn't know than by throwing yourself in at the deep end? Parties meant drinking and usually, people were a hell of a lot more friendly and welcoming after a couple of drinks. 

But now that you were here, you were wondering whether you'd made some small miscalculation because it had been 45 minutes since you'd shown up and you hadn't spoken to a single person. You'd carved yourself a little spot in the kitchen, hoping that someone would eventually come wandering in on their search for more booze and drag you into a conversation, but so far, all you'd received were dirty looks or complete indifference. 

And then, Eddie spotted you, looking so out of place that he'd had to do a double take. I mean, you were possibly the most attractive person he had ever seen, and he knew for certain that he'd never seen you in town before. He definitely would've remembered that. 

With an attempt to seem nonchalant, he approached the table beside you, his eyes roaming over the bottles and cans of drink that had been gathered there haphazardly. He tutted slightly, drawing your attention over to him. "You'd think a kid this rich would be able to get some decent vodka," he murmured, glancing over at you as your lips twitched up into a little half smile. 

"This kid is rich?" 

He chuckled, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. "Did the mansion not give it away?"

You shrugged slightly, letting him lure you deeper into the conversation, your body turning to face him fully. "I haven't been in town long; was still trying to figure out if this is what all the houses look like."

"I can confirm that they don't all look like this," he told you. "And this kid is pretty loaded."

You nodded slightly, biting down on your bottom lip. "I'm Y/N," you told him, holding out your hand in his direction. 

Eddie caught it, smiling softly at you. "Eddie," he told you, turning your relatively too-formal handshake into something sweet as he lifted your hand and kissed the back. "So, you're new in town?"

"My aunt lives here. My mom sends me every summer to keep me out of the way," you explained. 

Eddie tutted slightly. "Well, that's a shame, Sweetheart," he hummed. "Here I was hoping you'd be sticking around long-term and you're already breaking my heart with this summer-only deal," he teased, his hand still holding onto yours.

"Sometimes I come to town for Thanksgiving," you supplied, a small smile pulling at the corner of your lips. "And every couple of years I'm here for Christmas, too," you uttered, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. 

"Oh, so it's not just summer?" he chuckled, finally releasing your hand to fix himself a drink. 

"Not just summer," you confirmed. 

He nodded slightly, taking a sip from his cup and wincing slightly. "Christ, that's shit vodka," he muttered. "How about I take you someplace where the drinks don't taste like paint thinner?"

Your brow furrowed slightly. "Are you asking me out?"

Eddie was grinning now, looking like an excited puppy behind all of the intimidating style. "Do you want me to ask you out?" You nodded slightly. "Then I'm asking you out, Sweetheart."

*Time Skip*

Your summer in Hawkins had been the best so far. You'd spent most of your time hanging around with Eddie, having fallen for him way too hard and way too quickly. But now, you were really starting to struggle. You'd have to get on a plane in the morning and head home when all you wanted now was to stay in Hawkins. 

"I got you a present," Eddie hummed, lifting his hand to push your hair back out of your face as you lay splayed out across his chest. 

"A present?" you murmured, sitting up a little to look down at him, your brow all furrowed in confusion. 

"Yeah, a going-away present," he told you, watching as your frown deepened slightly. "An I'll miss you but I'll see you soon present," he pressed on, nudging your cheek with one knuckle. "Come on, Pretty Girl, don't go getting all mopey on me," he added. 

You hesitated for a moment before letting your frown fade slightly. "What'd you get me?"

"There she is," he hummed, a bright smile coming back to his lips, causing your frown to disappear entirely. Eddie shuffled slightly, reaching over to dig into his bedside cabinet and pulling out a little box. "Here," he murmured, placing it on his chest for you to see. 

"What is it?"

"Why don't you open it and see?"

You reached for the box, hesitating slightly as your fingers brushed the surface. "I'll be back for Thanksgiving," you murmured, glancing back up from the gift to look at him. "It's not that long, right?"

"Right," he confirmed, pushing your hair back out of your face and tucking it behind your ear. "Barely any time at all."

You sighed, turning your attention back to the box and popping it open. Your breath caught in your throat at what you found inside. Eddie's pick, threaded onto a long, thin chain. It was almost identical to the one he wore. 

"Thought it'd make you think of me when you're off with all your cool school friends," he told you, watching you run your fingers over the chain. "Do you like it?"

You glanced up at him, a small, sad smile pulling at your lips. "I love it," you uttered. "Shit, I love you," you added softly, only just getting the words out before Eddie was pulling you down into a deep kiss. 

"I love you," he breathed against your lips. "And I'm going to call you every damn night, alright? Gunna call so much that you get bored of me-"

"As if I could ever get bored of you," you muttered, untangling the chain from the box as you pulled away from him and quickly fastened it around your neck. "I love it," you reminded him, your fingers lingering on the pick. 

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