Billy Hargrove X Reader - Borderline

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A/N - This chapter was very slightly inspired by the song Borderline by Nico Collins. There is an established, secret relationship and a touch of slut shaming in this chapter, so I'm sorry about that. I hope you all enjoy it. 

"Tramp," a voice muttered, drawing your attention up from the homework on the desk in front of you to find one of the cheerleaders smirking at you as she brushed past, looking far too pleased with herself. Your brow furrowed as you watched her go, tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. 

There was no real reason for anyone to ever pay you any attention, especially not over anything like that. Sure, you weren't some innocent little virgin, but you weren't exactly sleeping around either. 

"What was that about?" Robin murmured, her eyes darting between you and the girl that had now retreated to a desk of her own on the other side of the library, her attention still focused on you. "Have you been flirting with her boyfriend or something?"

You let your focus drift back to your paper. "No," you uttered, head still spinning as you tried to make sense of what was happening. "Probably got me confused with someone else-"

A hand tapped the desk in front of you, halting your conversation, and you glanced up to find Tommy H grinning down at you, his chewing gum caught between his teeth. "Never took you for the type to put out so easily," he started, a little too loudly for your comfort, making your eyes dart over to Robin, silently pleading for help. "Maybe I should've asked you out after all," he pressed on, watching as your brow furrowed at his comment. 

"No, thank you," you murmured, looking like a startled little rabbit as his grin faded slightly. 

"What? You'll let Hargrove fuck you, but I'm not good enough?" he uttered, a touch of venom lingering in his words. "Sluts don't get to be picky," he pressed on, and your hand shot out to grab at Robin's, longing for even the smallest bit of comfort as you stared up at him.

You steeled yourself for a moment, before clearing your throat. "I don't know what you mean," you finally started. "I don't think Billy has ever even spoken to me," you added softly, shrugging in an attempt to look nonchalant. "I definitely haven't slept with him," you pressed on.

Tommy's jaw tightened. "Come on, Sweetheart," he hummed. "The entire school knows about your little tumble in his back seat. Carole saw you getting in his car outside 7/11 the other night."

"Carole must've been mistaken," you uttered, forcing a smile onto your lips. 

"Are you calling my girl a liar?"

"Not at all. I'm just saying that it's hard to tell people apart in the dark. She must've seen someone else-"

Tommy let out a little dissatisfied huff, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. "Billy didn't seem to think so," he told you, head tipping to the side. "Seemed pretty stressed out about being caught. Why'd you think that is?"

You shrugged. "As I said, I don't really know Billy. So, I wouldn't know."

He grumbled again, pushing himself off of your desk and marching off towards the exit of the library, leaving you in startled silence. 

"What the fuck-"

You shook your head, glancing over at Robin as her words fell off into silence. "Not here," you murmured.

*Time Skip*

When Billy had crawled through your bedroom window that evening, he'd been met with one of the most upsetting sights he had ever seen. You were sitting at the end of your bed facing the window, waiting for him with a deep frown on your features. 

"Baby," he murmured quietly, hoping to placate your temper before you could let it out. "I didn't tell anyone-"

"Everyone thinks I'm a slut," you started softly, and suddenly, he realised how wrong he had been. You weren't angry, not really, you were sad; heartbroken. You were fighting back tears, a thick lump forming in your throat as you tried to stop yourself from letting out a loud sob. 

Billy couldn't even think straight, moving to wrap his arms around you, pressing your face into his shoulder. "It's okay-"

"It's not okay," you interrupted him, sniffling through the tears that were now flowing freely. "Carole has told everyone. And if being a slut isn't bad enough, they think I'm stupid too. They all think you're using me-"

"I'm not," he started, reaching up to cup your cheek in his palm and pulling back to look at you properly. "You know none of that stuff is true, Baby."

His thumb brushed away a few stray tears as he frowned down at you. "It was stupid of me to think no one would figure it out," you muttered. "Everyone knows everyone in this stupid fucking town," you pressed on. 

"You've been my girlfriend for 6 months, Baby. No one even knew that we knew each other until today. That's pretty good going if you ask me," he told you, attempting to lighten the mood slightly as he smiled softly at you. "Maybe we should just start telling people," he added. 


"I know," he murmured. "I know that you think people are going to judge us, Princess, but look at you right now," he uttered, his smile faltering into a small frown, his eyes lingering on yours, red-rimmed and filled with tears. "I don't want to just sit around and let them call you a slut and make you feel like shit. I want to beat the shit out of anyone who even looks at you funny, and I can't do that if people don't know we're together, can I?"

A soft bubble of laughter slipped out of you as you nuzzled into Billy's palm. "Yeah, it'd be a bit weird," you confessed, your voice still thick from your crying. 

"We don't even need to tell anyone," he added. "Just let me drive you to school tomorrow; I'm sure word will spread pretty quickly." 

You swallowed down the nervous bubbling in your throat, nodding. "Okay."

"Okay," he confirmed quietly. "I'm sorry you had to deal with everyone's shit today, Baby," he added softly, dragging you back to his chest and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

*Time Skip*

You took a deep breath as Billy pulled into the parking lot, finding himself a spot right in the middle, somewhere that everyone would see the two of you when you got out of the car. 

"Okay," he uttered, putting the handbrake on and reaching over to give your hand a comforting squeeze. "I'm going to come around and get your door for you, Baby, alright?" You nodded your understanding. "Hey," he added, making you look at him. "I love you," he murmured.

A small smile pulled at your lips, your nerves halting for just a second. "I love you too," you hummed, giving his fingers a final squeeze before he was getting out of the car and quickly moving around it to let you out. 

As you stood, you felt eyes beginning to linger on the two of you, his arm draped around your shoulders, keeping you close to him. Billy was right. This new bit of information was going to spread like wildfire. You were going to be the talk of the school for the next week or so. 

"Deep breath," Billy reminded you, his head ducking down to whisper it in your ear as if it was your own little secret. "I gotcha, Baby," he added, smiling when you turned your head to look up at him. And then, he was capturing your lips in a quick kiss, putting on a show for all the kids watching you. 

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