The Graveyard Shift!

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We Open up the Local McDonald's as night began to set, and The place is about to close in 3... 2...

Emi: 1! Yes, I can finally go home and Live my Life!

Chiho: Like what?

Emi: I got A Hot date

Chiho: We have the same boyfriend

Emi: Yeah, but still a Hot date

But then...

Mayumi: Hey you two, I need you two to cover the night shift

Emi: What!?

Mayumi: Yeah, Apparently The people on the night shift are busy so You two have to take care of it. Now I'll be going I have A Life

She then left

Emi: ...

Chiho: Isn't this Great Emi? You and Me together for hours and hours and the sun will come up and we'll still be working! It'll be like A Sleepover but we'll be sweaty and covered with Grease! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK EMI?

Emi: No

Chiho: Good because we got Customers!

Emi then handed A Customer A Bat.

Emi: Please hit me on the head

Chiho: Hey Emi I'm Behind the counter, at Night

Emi:  Please do it as hard as you can

Chiho: Look at me, I'm chopping the lettuce, At Night! I'm Swabbing the Bathroom, At Night! AGH! I Burned my Hand... At Night.

She then got with Emi and Began running around her.

Chiho: Night night night night night night night night night night night night! Na-na-na-na-na! NIGHT!

Emi: Would you be quiet? Take out the trash

Chiho: Alright taking out the Trash, Taking out the-

She then stopped Looking into the darkness.

Chiho: Out there?

Emi: That's where the Garbage goes Yes

Chiho: I'm not sure about this...

Emi: But I thought you liked the night shift?

Chiho: Right, I'll do this, For the Restaurant!

And then...

Chiho: Easy!

Emi: Oh I Guess you're not Scared

Chiho: Scared of what?

Emi:  You Know The hash slinging slasher

Chiho: The what?

Emi: The Hash slinging slasher

Chiho: The D-Dash ringing, the Hash Binging, the Trash dinging, the Rish bringing... Uh...

Emi: The Hash slinging slasher yes. He was once A Worker of this Restaurant Just cutting the food when-

Chiho: He didn't wash his hands?

Emi: No

Chiho: He didn't put on gloves?

Emi: No

Chiho: He forgot the secret sauce?

Emi: look! No! He chopped off his hand by Mistake!

Chiho: OH NO!

Emi: Well he had to replace his hand with A Spatula but he then got hit by A Bus and at the funurel they fired him! Now everyone- What night is this?

Chiho: Tuesday

Emi: Tuesday night, he comes to seek his revenge

Chiho: When will we know?

Emi: First the light will flicker on and off, and then the phone will ring but no one will be there, and then A Bus will Pull up, and then...

Chiho: Yes?

Emi: Then...

Chiho: Yes?

Emi then got Behind her and tapped her on the shoulder.

Emi: He gets you


Emi: Hahahahahahahaha! I got you! It was A Joke

Chiho: Really?

Emi: Yeah there's no such thing as A hash slinging slasher

Chiho: Oh, Hahahahahahaha! That's Hilarious! Hahahahahahahaha!


Emi: I don't understand why anyone would ever come here at this time. Who eats A Burger at 3 AM?


And then Math got out of bed.

Math: Oh Boy 3 AM!

He then began eating A Burger.

Back at the Mcdonald's...

Just then the Lights Began to flicker on and off, and then the phone began ringing but there was nothing there.


And Just then A Bus came in.

Chiho: Oh I didn't know the Bus came in this Late

Emi: They Don't...

Chiho: But someone is coming out

Just then A Figure came out and began raising its Spatula Hand!


Chiho: The Hash slinging slasher

Emi: Finally you understand we're doomed!

Chiho: No it's just I find it so sweet that You dressed up as A Maniac and stood on the other side of the street Just to make me Happy. You really do care about me

Emi: Okay there are two things wrong with that. 1. I am indifferent about you, and 2. How can that be me, WHEN I'M RIGHT HERE!?

The Figure then Began to slam his Spatula hand against the Door.



It then Opened the door and began to walk in.

Emi: Chiho... I always sorta cared about you

Chiho: Emi I used your angel sword to unclog one of the toilets

Emi: You did what now?

The Figure then Began to march Towards them as they Kicked and Screamed but suddenly...

Y/n: Hey Guys. What's going on?

the Hood was removed to be revealed it was you.

Y/n: I wanted to tell you guys that I Made Sushi Burgers but the line kept cutting short

The sleeve of your jacket revealed you were Holding A Spatula.

Chiho: Oh That's Great!

Emi: But wait! That explains but what about the flickering lights?

Just then the lights began flickering on and Off again and you all turned to see A Vampire flicking it on and Off.

Y/n/Chiho/Emi: Nosferatu!

And The Vampire Just smiled innocently.

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