The She-Devil Returns!/ Saving Mami!

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Soon you had Taken Chizuru back to your Mansion where she probably has A Million questions going through her Adorable Little head!

Chizuru: Okay what the hell is going on!?

Y/n: Alright Chizuru the Truth is Mami is this Bitchy ex I had where she would mock me and say the Most Passive aggressive things I ever heard

Chizuru: Okay she sounds Terrible but wait, You Only went on A Date with me to Prove A Point!?

Y/n: Look, My Friend is A Perverted Idiot, I didn't believe his Bullshit, and Now I know it's True

Chizuru: Oh so I'm nothing more than A Prop to you? Huh?

Y/n: No! Ugh! Here this should help!

You then Put your hands on his Her and head and You Began to share each other's Memories with each other as you were both shocked.

Y/n: Woah, I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you had to deal with all of that Shit before

Chizuru: W-Wait, You're the Y/n L/n!?

Y/n: Yeah, How many do you think there are?

Chizuru almost fainted but you grabbed her before she hit the ground.

Y/n: Woah Okay, Chizuru, Hold on there. I gotta do something first

You then Busted the door down angrily!


Issei: Woah dude, what are you?

Y/n: You sir are dating A She-devil!

Issei: You mean she's Like-?

Y/n: No! Not Literally, You Nincompoop! Figuratively! She's evil!

Mami: Oh Hi Y/n, I can see that Your still so Lonely you need Multiple women to fill that Void. Are you that superficial?

Y/n: Begon thot!

You then Threw A Spell Tag at her face!

Mami: Okay now are you treating me like an Actual demon?

Y/n: Get out of my House!

Kinue: Oh Hi Sweetie, would you Like some Cookies and Tea?

Mami: Thank you Ms. L/n

Y/n: Don't you dare Talk to my Mom!! She's too pure-hearted for you!!

Mami: Look I can do whatever I want because you Are nothing more but A Pathetic, Little, Man.

Y/n: You Bitch.

You then In A Fit of Justified Rage Hit her across the cheek but not too hard since too Much strength could seriously hurt her but still, she teared up and began to run away crying!

Issei: Dude, Thanks for saving me back there. I had no idea that she was that Vindictive. Now I'm thinking she only began dating me, so she would get close to you. DAMNIT!

Y/n: What have I done...?

Kinue: Sweetie, It's your not fault. Everyone loses their temper from time to time, but If I can give you any advice, it's one thing. People aren't Bullies for no reason. They're Only bullies because they're Hurting Inside themselves. Go Help Her, Please

Y/n: Right, Thanks Mom

You then Hugged her and Teleported out of there to Find Mami.


Mami quickly grabbed A Knife on the way out and walked into A Place with No Camera or People so no one would find her, and she began to slice her own Wrists as she Cried!

Mami: No One will ever Love me...! No One ever will...! Why did I blow my own Chances...!?

Y/n: MAMI!

You suddenly appeared and Began to Heal her Wrists!

Mami: Y-Y/n-Kun? What are you doing here?

Y/n: Mami I realized that something Must have happened to you to cause this so tell me, what's wrong?

Mami then Began to Tear up as she soon began to cry.

Mami: I was... I was Born to very controlling Parents... They controlled everything I would do... My Father even put me into the girl's school He controlled me so he would keep watch over me always... One day... One day I found my Prince Charming... And he filled me with Love... But then My Parents... Took Him away, and... That Love Died...

Y/n: Wait, Love died? But that could only mean... You Miscarried...

Mami then Nodded before she began to uncontrollably sob. You then comforted her before you disappeared.

Mami: Huh? Where did you?

Just then you returned with Blood on your shirt

Mami: What did you-?

Y/n: Let me show you

You then Pulled up A Video on your Phone and you pretty Much Using String Powers to rip out all of the Teeth in her father's mouth and then His eyes, but then you Punched through his chest and pulled his still-beating Heart. You then sliced up his Guts Open and Used his own Intestines to create A Nuese for him to hang on!

Mami: B-But what about-?

She then saw you did the same thing to her Mother.

Y/n: They can't hurt you anymore.

Mami then smiled and Began crying tears of Joy into your Blood soaked shirt.

Mami: Thank you Y/n... Thank you...!

Y/n: Hey Mami, I'm Sorry I ever hurt you. I never knew what you went through but I have something to make that up for you

You then held onto her as you then took her to your room.

Mami: W-What are we doing here?

Y/n: Well you want A Baby right? Well let's Make one

You then Pinned her down to the bed as she smiled.

Mami: Thank you~

You then Noticed A Sticky note on the bed as you smiled.

My Turn is Next - Signed, Chizuru

Y/n: Heh, Clever girl

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