Proto Man's Redemption!/ Taking down Wily!

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Soon after the both of you fell down that Long winded Trap Hole you had soon begun to wake up in the Middle of the Pitch Black!

Y/n: Ugh, Geez... What Happened...? Oh Right, We fell down that Trap Hole... We need some Light...

You then Created A Ki Ball and Threw it into the air where it lit up the entire room revealing it to be A Large Scrap Yard!

Y/n: Wow this is Like an entire World, I need to find Rock though

???: Too Late already found him

You then spotted Proto Man dragging Megaman through the Rubble!

Y/n: YOU! Naz Palm!!

You then shot out some Spit to Blow up Protoman but he dodged!

Proto Man: Hey Listen to me for A Moment!

Y/n: Okay explain, I'll give you Three Minutes 

Proto Man: First we need to Give Rock A Jump Start first

Y/n: Wait, How do you know his Name?

Proto Man: Just give me those Jumper Cables over there

You then Grabbed some Jumper Cables from A Hill of Scrap and handed it to Proto Man as he attached his Power core to Megaman's!

Proto Man: CLEAR!

He then Megaman A  Jump Start as He woke up! 

Megaman: Woah! What Happened? Y/n? Proto Man!? What are you doing here!?

Proto Man: Look Rock The Truth is... We're Brothers

Y/n/Megaman: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?

Proto Man: Allow me to explain

Proto Man began to explain that he was the Prototype to all Robot masters that Rock's Father Dr. bright Created but he had an Unstable Power core and it need to be fixed. The Problem is that by doing so it might take away his Humanity, so he ended up packing up everything and left where he fell almost dead on the streets. Wily took him back to his lab and fixed him so he sorta owed his Loyalty to him before he realized He and Rock were brothers.

Megaman: Wow, So I have an Older Brother... Wait until Roll here's about this

Proto Man: Roll?

Megaman: She's My Sister

Proto Man: Oh My God I have A Little Sister!!

Y/n: Yeah, I know the feeling I have two

Proto Man: Look anyway we need to go out and stop Wily and I have just the Plan! Y/n do you know any Illusion Magic?

Y/n: Yeah. Why ask? 

Proto Man: You'll see


Wily: Bass, Protoman I'm sure you did your Job

Bass: Yes Wily we ended them prematurely

Wily: Good, Now no one shall Oppose me!

Just then the doors Busted down and Megaman and You appeared!

Megaman: Hey Wily! We're taking you to Justice!

Y/n: Make that Double!

Wily: Oh Boo-Hoo What am I going to do? Oh Yeah, this!

He then grabbed A EMP Cannon and shot Megaman with it, and Bass Used his Arm cannon to shoot you in the chest!


???: No You're the Loser

Wily: W-WHAT!?

Just then Megaman appeared Behind him Pointing his hand towards Wily's Head, and then the Illusion Magic wore to reveal it was you!

Wily: Huh? But that Means?

Bass then got A Blaster pointed at him and the illusion Magic washed away to reveal that what was you was really Megaman!

Megaman: Oh Y/n Knows some Illusion Magic, Really useful stuff


Protoman then Pointed his Guns at both of them!

Protoman: Sorry but I'm Protecting my Family


And Proto man Just smiled.


You were Now Back home and you Began using the Portal to make A Video Call to Rock!

Y/n: Hey Rock how's it going?

Rock: Great! Proto is still keeping his distance from the family but we're taking steps to be closer and Wily is Back in Jail

Y/n: That's Great! Oops, I better go, My Little sisters, Need me

Rock: Right, Me too

Just then the Video Call cut off as Rock's Sister Roll walked in Catching A Glance of You.

Roll (Rock's Twin Sister/ She is A Robot designed for Domestic work Just Like rock but unlike rock, she was never outfitted for Battle/ She is very precious and pure Hearted)

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Roll (Rock's Twin Sister/ She is A Robot designed for Domestic work Just Like rock but unlike rock, she was never outfitted for Battle/ She is very precious and pure Hearted)

Roll: Wow, who is your New Friend? He's Kinda Cute!

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