Grimmon the Destroyer!

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Right now you and The rest of the Digidestined end up in the Digital world which was pretty much being ripped apart by the Seams by Data Destruction, and everyone took Notice!

Y/n: What was this Place?

Izzy: This Placed used to be the Data Jungle but now it's being ripped apart

Mimi: Oh No, this is Terrible! Y/n Hold me!

Mimi then Jumped into your arms, As you petted her head.

Y/n: There There

The other girls then got jealous and latched on as well.

Sora: Y/n could you Hold me too? I'm Scared

Kari: Yeah, me too, This world is falling apart around us

Y/n: Sure

You then Began hiding them both as well. You then Noticed Mei standing on the corner pretty much wanting to Join in but was too shy, so you held her as well.

Y/n: Here you Go Mei

Mei: T-Thank- Chu!

Y/n: Aww, You sneeze like A Kitten!

Mei: T-Thank- Chu!

Y/n: Aww!

Izzy: It seems like the Place is breaking down, and we need to find the Digimon responsible for this and Fast

Tentomon: Yes, it could be strong enough already


Just then A Massive Serpent like Digimon appeared!

Joe: W-Who are you?

???: Me? I am... Grimmon!!


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Tai: Wait A Second are you doing this?

Grimmon: Sorta, I'm Just doing the Brunt work, this was all my Bosses Plans!

Tai: Okay so we got A Bigger and stronger Digimon soon appearing

Y/n: Guys, Let me handle this

Tai: Right Y/n

Y/n: Alright, Digivolve!!

Lunamon: Lunamon Digivolve Into... Dianamon!!


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