Jailhouse Lock!

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Suddenly as you and the Two Spideys were speaking about What the Hell Green Goblin had Just said, in that Riddle, when suddenly there was A Prison break on Rykers Island in the Marvel Universe, and you all Arrived to help stop the Prison Break!

Spidey: Wow, now this is A Jailhouse Lock!

Y/n: Ha!!

Spidey: Damn right Ha

Gwen: Look we need to get in before anything bad Happens

Y/n: Right, let's do this!

You then Grabbed your Omnitrix and Began to select an Alien.

Y/n: I Hope this works!

You then Began to Transform after slapping the damn thing and then you became...

Ghostfreak: Ghostfreak!

Ghostfreak: Ghostfreak!

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Spidey: Oh, Scary

Ghostfreak: Hang On

You then Grabbed both spider people and pulled them through the wall with you and soon you both then began to see what was Happening.

It was A Huge Prison Riot!

Ghostfreak: Oh How Strange

Gwen: You think?

Ironman showed up and began firing beams at everyone trying to keep them down!

Ironman: Spiderman how long did it take you to get here?

Spidey: Well I had to cross dimensions it's not that easy

Ghostfreak: He's not wrong

Gwen: Look what can we do to help?

Ironman: Well do any of you know how to generate energy?

Y/n: I can

Ironman: Get Behind me!

Ironman then used his Nanotech suit to generate What is essentially A Funnel on his back as he generated Canon's on his arms, and you transformed back creating An energy blast!


You then charged up his suit to 1000% and soon Ironman blasted A Huge energy Blast that kept everyone down!

Ironman: Good that should hold them down for A Little while. Enough time for more people to arrive!

Spidey: Wait, isn't there Some lower levels? Do you know the kind that contains superhuman Prisoners?

Y/n/Gwen: Crapbaskets...

You all then quickly ran down the Stairs of the Prison as soon you all heard some fighting, and soon you all saw Wolverine and some other guy fighting some bad guys!

Wolverine: What are you doing here bub?

Y/n: Look I need to- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?

Venom: I'm A Superhero Like you so don't run your luck out Kid

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