Chapter Forty Two

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"You promised to help

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"You promised to help."

"I meant it in more of a cheerleading aspect."

"I got it! I got it!" Sharing a glance with Adam we scramble to our feet hearing Peter instructing May to 'bring him up'

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"I got it! I got it!" Sharing a glance with Adam we scramble to our feet hearing Peter instructing May to 'bring him up'. Little did I know bring him up meant up the railing's of the staircase. Peter leaping up the stairs, he holds a small six pronged chip in his hand. Excitable grin on his face "Addie I did it! I told you it was possible."

Scoffing I agree "Possible. Not plausable." Waving me off Peter darts towards the raising. Octavias held there by his bionic arms for Peter to reach. Peeking over curiously I note the device that appears attached to his spine, "What's that?"

"The arms have similar AI contols to Jarvis- however they are much less friendly which I believe is the reasoning behind Dr Octavias's terrible attitude problem."

Thrashing away from Peter's hand, Octavias snaps "You keep your science fair project away from me!"

Folding my arms, Adam remarks from behind me "Bad attitude? Rather hard to say don't you think?"

"Hey it will work!", I lean over the railing to see our audiance below, Norman looking on eagarly "Have faith!"

Octavias isn't having any of it "Says the reckless fool who turned himself into a monster!" Norman's shoulder's slouch. Seemingly offended by his friend. Admittedly, I feel a little bad for him. Norman doesn't exactly seem all there in the mental aspect. Certainly not monster material.

"Please stop", Peter struggles with his head "Hold still-" Thrashing even further, Peter looks over at me desperate "You promised to help."

"I meant it in more of a cheerleading aspect."

Peter refusing to look away I groan. Dragging my feet over to Octavias who flinches away from my hand "Don't you touch me with your transparent magic hoodoo-"

Grabbing his hair I don't feel a lick of guilt shoving forwards his head to display his neck. "Geeze" I cringe at how deep the tech is embedded into his spine "That is gnarly."

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