Chapter Twenty Nine

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"You sure? It's like

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"You sure? It's like... important."

"It's vibranium. You literally couldn't break it if you tried."

Parking at the edge of the dock, I slide down from the ute

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Parking at the edge of the dock, I slide down from the ute. Door slamming behind me I wait at the edge of the dock for Sam to end his conversation with a couple of men. Yet when he notices me perched on the back of the truck Sam's quickly- in his best effort to be kind- abandons the conversation altogether. His gaze traveling suspiciously to the covered part behind me, Sam crosses his arms. However, before he can go on, I quickly point out "You wouldn't accept my money so I did the next best thing I could think of."

"You stole a truck?"

"Okay, it's beginning to offend me that everyone presumes my gifts are stolen." Feigning a tight smile, I clamber up the tray to grab the cloth. In a swift motion, I haul it off to reveal the engine to Sam. "My friend assured me this'd do the job", I jump out of the tray, sauntering up beside Sam as he admires the part "And it's been acquired completely on the right side of the law so you don't have to stress that pea-sized patriotic brain of yours."

"Ahh, Steve'd be so proud", Sam smacks my hand away when it playfully prods his temple. With a genuine beaming smile, I nudge Sam with my shoulder. "One question though", raising my brows expectantly, Sam juts his thumb over his shoulder "How on Earth are we getting that thing out?"

Hearing the scrape of metal I snap my head to the side, my smile quickly growing wider watching Bucky wordlessly hauling the engine from the tray. Not a single effort gives lifting it over his shoulder and heaves it over crowds of bustling helpers around them. All gawking from the magnitude of strength. Me, I'm swarmed with so many feelings that I feel I might explode. Lowering the engine, Bucky gently rests it on the ground. "Thank you" I emphasis slowly clap, sauntering over with the widest grin imaginable, "Think you can lift me like that later?"

My hands slide arm his soft arm, Bucky entwines his fingers with mine. Trying his best to hide the twitch of his lip, Bucky tugs me into his side "Not with so many eyes."

"You think I care?

I'm awarded that wide beaming smile, "No. No, I don't think you do."

Tugging me by my hand over to Sam, Bucky raises the monstrous silver case and rests it back into the tray of the truck. "Just came to drop this off", Bucky assures Sam who's curious attention looks over the case. He knows where it's from. We've spent enough time in Wakanda to know that's not just an aluminum case. Vibranium. That kind of stuff is pretty hard to miss when you're acquainted with it. "You can sign for it and I'll go-"

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