Chapter Thirteen

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"Sometimes I got jealous he always thought of you as his right-hand girl

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"Sometimes I got jealous he always thought of you as his right-hand girl."

"Well you got the shield in the divorce"

"When I'd wake from my nightmares with my hand squeezing your throat, you would take me downstairs to Lavos, and do you remember what you'd tell me?"

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"When I'd wake from my nightmares with my hand squeezing your throat, you would take me downstairs to Lavos, and do you remember what you'd tell me?"

A small smile playing on my lips, I reach across the booth table to accept the small basket "Fries make everything better."

Mimicking my smile, Bucky leans back into the booth leather across from me "Fries make everything better."

Hunched over the dinner table I twirl the fry by its point over a napkin. The events of an hour ago still cut raw. "I don't mean to shut you out", I apologetically mutter to Bucky, my gaze remaining transfixed on the golden fry "It's just... It's not like I don't want to feel it. There is...there's too much to feel. It's just easier to not feel it."

Without any appetite I toss the fry back into the basket, sinking further back into the leather seat. After a long moment, Bucky asks "Are you going to be alright?"

I merely offer him a smile. That's the thing about pain isn't it? It's subjective. "You know, the most bizarre thing occurred to Senator Atwood yesterday", I redirect the conversation away from me "She's been arrested on the grounds of conspiring against her country, Hydra affiliation, and abuse of power."

"That is bizarre."

"Authorities found a car tech jack under the right tire and her accomplice is in the hospital cuffed to his bed with a fractured cranium-"

"Hardly accurate" Bucky scoffs. When I arch my brow, Bucky leans over the table "It was a love tap."

"A love tap", I lean equally forwards over the tabletop "Like the love tap I encouraged you to give Parker back in Romania?"

"I feel like it's hardly the same situation", Bucky adamantly shakes his head "I put her in power as the Winter Soldier and she continued to abuse that power. I think it's fair."

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